This is my second time watching some of it and I agree that she is sincere but what matters is what they believe, and some things are controversial, like if you listen closely what do you hear... other things not to do it well I don't know if there is a way for there to be organized religion... but it's not going to be as important as their beliefs or you can throw it out and they don't lose all the time and if it's 15% unfair that is more fair for publicity but when she points out that her guests can leave the church and not be harassed, how do they feel?
I'm a hindu and I respect L Ron as a god in some form because he has greatness (but not as much if you make him god, but I'm not going to get into how I define it, rules, just another guy like that, but that's great too) but the difference between him and every other god that I know is that if you pray dumb then he will try to get you but that could speed learning and the other one is space travel can be done religiously but it's just not fashionable in modern times (like would your Christian church tell you but maybe if you were Catholic eventually you could get real answers, like a code how to do it) and no ones else is going to tell us so openly....
giving him a title and changing my religions is a different thing but it's not going to be important as what they believe and it's not all bad...
these auditing courses, you're paying money for them to audit your wrong and their might be parts of relgion we don't like (we do not know if the leaders were UPHOLDING values or not and that's why it doesn't matter JUST what they did) but if someone kept on throwing money for an audit not admitting something, kept on getting punched and paying, what more civilized way to eliminate a problem if they deem it so and get away with it? Cuz if we don't do that to anyone that's blocking progress society will not be well functioning.
But who knows from this documentary? We need to get away from fantasy analysis too and just admit to what we would have to accept with an organized religion of this magnitude and then deem if it is smart enough for the payoff....
but I could go to some hindu source and get some on space travel or something I guess and I'm not getting it directly from them but so could a jew Christian or muslim so something good might come from us a couple hundred years from now, a fashionable cultural shift towards this type of space exploration, and then these guys are great for us getting our rights from our systems.
There's religion and then there's organized religion. And religions like Scientology and Catholicism are among the most organized. So there's a way the hindu guy it's hard to explain but our connections to the system is more subconscious and not as vivid, like something was cut down from the start for our safety. Or catholocism is very confusing and delays development but the way it's organized, there's no way if I really wanted I couldn't get an answer.
But when these get dangerous, is it done randomly or in a civil manner? I would Leah presents the information in a way that many with discernment would think it's civilized... people pay for audits and go to 'over time' levels (is this time they're wasting or to get away?) and then even when it goes worst case scenario, at least it's in a system to go somewhere for apportionment, and it's rare, but the way you're paying for an audit reaching over time levels on a personal disagreement where at every level, the level of risk increases slowly, it's pretty civilized....
But when you get to Protestantism, it could make sense like islam or catholicism or judiasm for example through the ten commandments, and then a 'false god' or a representation of the elohim (the real jews and muslims that convey their god's message or story) or maybe there are other ways for Christianity to make sense that are unknown to me (but at least I understand the masonic judiasm through the ten commandments and the elohim way) but if that was for a protestant to know, who knows if they will ever know?
And then everything the Catholic and Scientology church publishes about their dangerous, who knows if Protestants could ever say?
But the way Christianity is organized it could be dangerous, but the trade is all askew with Protestantism... it's workable to many but TOO MANY will never get to a reasonable level and think in a way that makes too much knowledge go away.
Cuz Catholocism was originally designed to be confusing but too many answers given to too many people for them ALL to lie to a reasonable person forever... but when that's the fundamental design, there needs to be extra control if you're going to take advantage of the extra services.
I would say the real collectively bad religions are forms of Protestanism because they are harmful to the overall human evolutionary development. When it gets to Catholocism, it could be collectively bad (unknown territory) but for an individual he could use it to evolve in a way that it reasonably helps the collective evolution. If it's too organized there are already muslims and jews who pray to the same god so there are already two reasonable options and then beyond that the way it's dangerous we know in the old testament when the population grows and there are too many people on the earth to get in the under religion systems like satanism in Christiany which becomes direct worship of Brahma in hinduism (more rare).... there are too many people and this type of god, Beezlebub or Balaal to a Christian or Brahma to a Hindu (extremely rare to pray too) needs less people to pray to him directly because he is more prone to have followers in law enforcement and if too many people pray to him directly, it might get child molestery, so he needs help in not becoming a child molester and for people to see him through another diety, and then he still sees himself as god, but maybe he would rather see someone else personally.... but some people just have a relationship with god that even if they don't pray to Brahma or Balaal directly they frame their prayers in a wasteful manner that it has some of the same effect... so you can't accept it completely. So if you accept the other two in the old testament there is a false idol idea (which is still god as a representation of the Elohim like a real jew or muslim, really trying to understand stuff) and there will always be sinners but the jews and masonic jews (really jews but comparing ten commandments to somewhat false practices) round them up with this false idol (or real as a representation of the elohim) to contain their damage as best they can, but then according to the old testament they are already worse, but at least identifying, vs someone in another religion not identifying the potential to be the secret jew or babysitter....
That one I understand... and I know we have to accept Catholics because of that old testament reasoning if we want to accept muslims and jews... but now there are three choices and Protestantism, if Scientology was replaced with that one, it just got stupid. Now I can make reasoned points and stuff at least.
Catholocism because of the old testament and the flood of people yadda yadda yadda even if it is questioned is a team player. Like the south park characters, not everyone is Kenny McCormick or even Butters, or even Stan but he is too confused to lead on his own, but Cartman and Kyle are heroes in a way or villians in another way, but to study the effect, it's better to look at the team effect... and then I can't say cuz it's arguably mandatory if we accept Jews or 10 commandment based Islam (cuz the problem would spread more without it). Protestantism, someone might never tell a reasonable seeker reasonable things and it is based on a religion that is innately confusing and that takes time to understand... without a strong centralized authority, it could get super dooper molestery with no advantage such as go to another Catholic church.
if the Pope just made a simple move like change the name to "the Church of masonic Judaism through the pope and the cross of Jesus Christ" or something like that Protestantism would die, but a Christian of any sort could at least get a percentage of counseling one what is really somewhat reasonable to believe at a Catholic programming facility.
What is unjustifiable about Catholicism is the strong ties to Protestantism when simple moves could be done within to cut down on these misunderstandings... Whatever it is we need to hold Catholics accountable to make more INTERNAL moves to destroy the idiocy and propagation of Protestantism where now it is clearly not up to a reasonable specification when we are wallowing in the evolutionary retardation effect and it is no longer sustainable, and it never was acceptable, let alone for over a thousand years standing....
I'm editing this post without reading the top to explain a point about the ten commandments to understand why this could be the easiest path to Judaism and Jesus was a real Jew that did not believe that other conventional practices were that important as long as he used the ten commandments as a representation of the Elohim concept, he would be safe, just gaining understanding from upholding the ten commandments...
So what does that mean? If someone had qualms with being gay and wanted to switch to the eastern philosophy, really think about this one.... the first level is could someone be a homosexual that way and what does that mean if it is even possible? And then there is a way it is or not but the more important point as someone downplays one of the commandments, could anything else good come from it? Could it prevent adultery? Could it prevent stealing if prostitution was involved? Could it prevent murder for control? Or could nothing be upheld in a practical way from those actions? Well if it's the last one you know it's wrong, but if you break one then get cake off the others, layers of protection... it would help someone understand thinking and help him control himself from upset emotional states.... then someone could engage in any religious practice even as a farce because there would be a distinction, but people could still sincerely be gaining understanding from those practices...
It would help save on the nature of the wrong, and every point counts... it's an easy way to try and Jesus was a real Jew that way, through the ten commandments, not favoring so much most of the other practices. Maybe that highlights itself as the easiest way to do it, or among them, but at the same time any Catholic that would be a reasonable seeker of the information would 'get it' or 'get it the right way' but a Protestant may not even hear that much with a solid understanding, and many religious authorities may not have that level of understanding or the means to ask the right person to get it for the next guy.
But even the way it's divided up hints at the ten commandments in a way, but then they would change the 'false god' (and my god isn't a name I can say without fear and someone has to to glorify it so I know I'm safe with the Jews and Muslims on that point) or something... this Jesus archetype delays understanding so the system has to be highly organized and we have to accept the trade for that level of bureaucracy. The Muslims did it with another so why would Jesus even be used in protest? Protest it with another figure. In the past it may have rested on an exercise or something of that nature (you can go to a boxing gym to learn it) but not in modern times because the information cannot be saved without the organization and it was inherently designed to be initially confusing, because maybe slowing stuff down could save the next guy for example.
But that's what the ten commandments means. It could save a lot, make the world better, alleviate fears, but in a practical way for that reason... doesn't mean no mistake was ever made but if we learn from it we reap well from what was sown.
I have not read the Koran but I think the Islamic system and this is just a guess pretty much or how it appears on the surface but now with doubt is that Allah is 'all law' because there is a way you have to let everything in because there is a way that any or everything could be god or a part of it's being but we need codes that help us prosper but adding to the good for all.... and too many people are being misled. But if you let in all law whatever the Egyptian Warlord (among other things) didn't catch that god could probably catch it but with some implosion from the thought of all the other laws imploding in.... So that's how Mohammed I think do it but with doubt unlike Jesus who is force fed to me in my society but it's not the same as making this guy or that guy god.... And I'm not going to get into it for me personally because most guys and gals attacking Scientology should probably at least be told about the ten commandments and what means first.... but the "Allah is all law" I have heard before but cannot directly say I have read from the knowledge of the Koran.... but that's their replacement for Jesus and a lot easier for many to digest, and they could secretly be real Jews that way, but if they were not it wouldn't be so confusing among so many, how it throws off the collective genome of humanity, that confusion....
Because with Protestantism you cannot guarantee that in every town reasonable things could ever be told (what if there was only one church) so the way the decentralization is off, it has no advantages to Catholicism that wouldn't be suited to Judaism, Christianity, or you could let the ten commandments invade any religion, or any philosophy and figure it out that way, but in some manner of speaking, as a farce to understand the 10 commandments as a Masonic Jew.