MovieChat Forums > Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath (2016) Discussion > I believe Leah Remini is sincere in her ...

I believe Leah Remini is sincere in her intentions - anyone agree???

Hello everyone. Unfortunately, probably due to my age, Im quite a bit cynical. I almost always have doubts about someones intentions. Usually, when you get to the bottom of why someone does something like this, it's either A. for the money B. some kind of self promotion or C. They need the attention. I have to say I wasn't getting any of these vibes from Remini. In reality, a lot of what Ive seen in this program corroborates the "Going Clear" documentary that came out last year. I think Leah is passionate and really believes that Scientology is hurting people and wants to educate them. I should say I also believe RInder is sincere about his distaste for Scientology - although I believe he has another motive to be involved in this - that being whatever money he got to do it. Going back to Remini though, I think her intentions are completely sincere. She has a strong desire to announce to people "EITHER STAY OUT OF OR GET OUT OF THIS THING CALLED SCIENTOLOGY!!!". If there are selfish motivations on her part, I cant see them. ANyway, thats my take and Id love to see how other people feel.....


Absolutely sincere.


I find her sincere. The Cult is dangerous and preys on the disenfranchised and especially those able to pay for their brand of enlightenment. It should absolutely be taxed like any for profit organization. It "smacks" of North Korean secrecy.
But then the Mormons believe in a book supposedly written by a guy staring into a Top Hat, looking at golden plates he interpreted with special rocks. The fact that no one else ever saw the "golden plates" or the fact that he couldn't interpret the supposed writting, the same way twice, (when he was called a fraud by his collaborators wife), makes no matter to the Mormons. Regardless how silly the story is about Jesus really living in America and the Native Americans being turned "Red" by an angry God, not withstanding. LOL...
PT Barnum was right, there's a sucker born every moment. (Isn't that why Drumph won the election?)


PT Barnum was right, there's a sucker born every moment. (Isn't that why Drumph won the election?)

No, it was because no matter how bad he was, Hillary was much, much worse. She made herself wealthy off of the public's back and embodies everything which is wrong with politics and the left. Lies upon lies, selling influence, etc.

She would have fit in perfectly as a President between 1865 and 1923.



Oh,please STFU---the election's over. Tired of idiots like you still running your stupid mouths about Clinton,when you know damn well trumpf has done way more shady,on-the-downlow s*** then you can throw a stick at. You can find all of this online---the trumpf university fraud where he ripped off thousands of dollars from the hard working people who believed his bull**** lies about how they were going to be rich from attending all these course since he was famous and had his name attached to it. His going bankrupt at least three times and almost bankrupting his investors in the process. At least the Clintons didn't use their foundation to buy themselves a private jet and donate a $25,000 campaign bribe to the Florida attorney general to keep from being investigated (which is exactly what trumpf did to keep her from investigating fraud claims made against him by former trumpf university clients.) He had to settle the trumpf university case for $25 million last month. Con Don is nothing but a lying, scheming greedy bastard who only cares about his bottom line, period. Do the damn research, and stop dragging up all this dumb s*** you're claiming about Clinton.


Oh,please STFU---the election's over.

Yes! And it is awesome!!! January 20th, 2017 will go down in history as "The End of an Error!"

America has shown they didn't trust the horrible candidate Clinton and now she'll be too old to ever run again!

I mean, this will be a great day for the country, world, galaxy and universe!!!


Why don't you two take this argument over to imdb's Politics page? Geez...I am SO sick of politics being discussed...ESPECIALLY when the subject matter has absolutely NOTHING to do with Politics! Same thing happens on Facebook, Twitter, etc. Give it a rest, people! This message board is about Leah Remini's show and about Scientology. THAT'S IT. Lately one can't talk about the weather without SOMEONE discussing Trump, Hillary, Obama, etc. I'm sure I'm not the only one fed up with it! I'm sure I'll get told off for this...but at least I'll actually get you two on the same side!

I thought the BS would stop once the elections were over. Apparently NOT.


Why don't you whine to the person who brought politics into this in the first place?

I thought the BS would stop once the elections were over. Apparently NOT.

Me too. I don't think anyone expected the cry-baby snowflakes to p!ss their diapers so bad they had to go out and riot.


I'm "whining" to EVERYONE who brings up politics...but I don't remember who brought it up first. Please, enlighten me...I'll be more than HAPPY to bring this up to him/her as well...assuming of course they didn't already read this. I'll do it!!


I'm "whining" to EVERYONE who brings up politics...but I don't remember who brought it up first.

Yeah, it is really difficult to read 3 or 4 posts on a thread to figure out who started it.

Please, enlighten me

If only we could. 😎


Trump voters are even bigger cultists than Scientologists. You are completely deluded.

Orgies are not too much fun if no one wants to do it with you.


But at least we were smart enough to not vote for Hillary.

January 20th, 2017 - The End Of An Error!


The Cult is dangerous and preys on the disenfranchised and especially those able to pay for their brand of enlightenment.

Worse, they prey on the ones who CAN'T pay for it. Ever see the seminal film Metropolis? It's about a city where the elite who live on the surface and the working class who live beneath it keep the great machine that runs it all turning. In Scientology you've got the celebrities like Tom Cruise and John Travolta with all the celebrity Scientologists and Miscavige and his inner circle. The people whose names you know, the elites who are the public face of Scientology where beneath the surface you've got all the Scientologists you've never heard of giving their paychecks, college funds, social security checks and taking out loans and second mortgages just to pay for the courses to travel up the bridge feeding their life savings' into the Great Machine to keep everything running. For every million dollar celebrity donation there's at least a hundred checks written by people you don't know who can't afford it and can't afford to leave because Nightline doesn't give a damn about their stories.


I haven't seen any reason to take her or the program at anything other than face value, and as you say, the claims being made are consistent with other programs about Scientology's dirty little secrets.


I find Leah completely sincere. I also don't fault Mike if he's in it for the money -- remember, when you leave Scientology, you basically leave with nothing, especially if you've been in it for the number of years he was. Actually, I don't fault anyone who is involved in exposing this cult, if they do it for money or not. What's the difference? The stories still sound absolutely true and the information is getting out there, if someone makes money, good for them!

At least the money being made is not going to this disgusting excuse for a "church", the way it does everytime someone buys a ticket for anything that Tom Cruise does. I am sick to death of that bastard still being bankable box office when a lot of what he makes goes to support the abuse of other human beings. It's so wrong in so many ways.

"In your opinion?"
"Um, yes your honor, in my opinion."


your last paragraph nails it steverB!... everytime you buy a ticket to a cruise or travolta movie you are helping the box office, helping their high salaries and contributing just like they are to this insidious cancer of a cult.....

i remember stating this once somewhere online and someone posted something like and i'm paraphrasing here "but what about artists and other creative people who created stuff and we find out that they were pro-nazi sympathizers, or racists or were bad people in some other way, does that mean we should not like their work and we should not contribute to them in anyway? if that is the case, then we the public would have very very few people whose artistic work we could admire!"

to which i replied "yes, we the public SHOULD boycott such people! when WE THE PUBLIC FIND OUT what they are involved in and if they are bad people! absolutely! and if that means that there is only 1 actor,singer, athlete, artist, whatever, left to admire them and their work, they so be it! when we, you or i KNOW said person is a bad person or involved in something bad, how can we look away? how can we be MORE INTERESTED AND CARE MORE about their "work" then them as a PERSON? and what they do and have done to OTHERS???

in closing, ONLY in the age of celebrity worship and self absorbed public, could this farce of cruise and scientology gone on this long! 30,40,50 years ago as a huge star in hollywood he would have been MADE to answer for it and his career literally rightfully would have been long, long over with... cruise and scientology are and always HAVE BEEN counting on this age of celebrity worship and "who cares, as long as i'm entertained, who cares about others" self absorbed mindset of so so many people in society...



Great comment. I'm now watching episode 3 on demand, and I am both fascinated and repulsed by this expose.

Looking forward to watching all of this series.


You sorta have to be sincere when you go after Scientology, at least when you have as much money as her. he doesn't have King of Queens residual checks flowing in and we know what he used to do. Seems like a nice guy, but could be he just likes to be a big part of whatever team he is on, but he still seems legit in intention at least.


I'm a bit of a cynic in these matters as well...And I have absolutely no doubt of her earnest sincerity. I believe her when she says this consumes her every thought and action; she is on a mission.

The most telling thing to me, right off the bat, is that she doesn't flood the show with footage of famous folks looking foolish spouting off about Scientology. She shows herself, again and again, in an unflattering light espousing the benefits of this program she knows now to be really dangerous and negative.

She could distance herself, play up the fact of her own victimisation. But she doesn't. And I think that's because she feels a great responsibility for her role as a person with a voice and a little power who used it to perpetuate a terrible thing. I have nothing but heartfelt admiration for that, how she's owning it and apologising for it and trying to make amends for it. (Which she's done tenfold already, but I understand the compulsion she feels.)


Well said and I completely agree!

"Two gin and Frescas"
"Shaken, not ridiculed"


You nailed it!


I absolutely believe her. There are some legal ways to take down Scientology, including: prosecution for fraud, tax evasion, and the statute never runs out for cases of child molestations. This "religion" is an obvious pyramid scheme. Many of the documents Scientologists signed contained clauses that are in themselves illegal by law. Parents, siblings, and children can sue for alienation of affection, a law that is seldom applied, but is still on the books most places. I think Leah should start a fund for legal costs of suing the organization where they can, or prosecuting them where possible. If an ox bars your way, you take it a bite at a time. Hope she reads this.


There is a statute of limitation on child molestation.


I believe that is a state-by-state law, with most of them being you have to report it within a certain amount of time of remembering it. As in, if you were molested when you were 8, but don't remember it until you are 30 when you see a picture of you and the abuser, you can file charges. But, if you don't file charges for another 10 years after you remember it, it is too late.


I think the statute of limitations is so wrong. Most children don't speak up. When they are adults, a lot still won't speak up out of embarrassment or just trying to not think about it. It's a shame that once you do get the courage to come forward, nothing can be done.


I'm simply saying it depends upon when it is remembered. Like if you were molested at age 10, remember it when you are 20, discuss it with a friend, but then don't report it for another 20 years, it makes it hard to do anything about it. I'm not saying that is right or wrong, just that people forget things, people die, etc.


Totally believe in her sincerity. I'm sure deep inside she feels a vile hatred for what this cult has done to her and others. Time the government removes their "church" status.


Absolutely, but Leah needs to go all the way with this. She needs to go for the throat and use the Church's own playbook against them. Hell, Mike Rinder WROTE that damn playbook. Attack, attack, attack. Strike hard, no mercy. That's the CoS way. She needs to do an in-depth episode about the people like Lisa McPherson, Josephus Havenith, Quentin Hubbard (L. Ron's own son) and all the other people that died because of this cult. This isn't just some wacky Sci Fi cult about aliens and Xenu and space Navys with billion year contracts and taking all of your money. Scientology literally kills.

Leah had a very different experience in the church than most Scientologists. She was part of the celebrity side and Rinder was in the leadership. They need to reach out to the people they're trying to get the attention of, and that's the rank and file who have to take out loans just so they can keep giving money to the cult and are considering leaving. The people like the families of the ones who were found dead at the Fort Harrison Hotel, Flag Land Base itself.
