MovieChat Forums > Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath (2016) Discussion > Sorry, scientology Obviously RIDICULOUS ...

Sorry, scientology Obviously RIDICULOUS From Start

I cant wrap my head around being fooled by this cult. There are several and examples FROM THE START that scream FRAUDULENT, SCAM EXTORTION. It's hard to understand that anyone would think of this as anything other than the joke it is. I'm not sure how quickly you'd have to sit and hold o.j cans and tell your deepest, darkest thoughts to strangers but that and the amount of money you've already had to pay by that point would not even have been acceptable to me. After laughing in their faces yes, I'd have walked out or attempted to. The concept, to me, would have been rejected out of hand.


Never underestimate the public. There seems to be a contingent of people who are willing to give up their own free will in exchange for whatever they're lacking - either a gateway to 'knowledge,' room and board, or even just feeling like they belong. Once they've got you in their clutches they can brain wash you, make you so dependent on them you're scared to leave or they've got your family fooled and if you don't want to lose your family you stay.

Leah said her step dad left her pregnant mom with two other kids to support. Her mother was told as long as you're a Scientologist you will be taken care of. That has to be taken into consideration - a desperate, single mother of almost 3 is being thrown a lifeline - you grab it! Little by little you become more dependent and they start taking more from you - Lean & her sister joining the Sea Org, etc.


~ I thought the same thing about Scientology. That it is nothing but a *beep* cult. Now seeing this show got me to realize how controlling & bizzare the Scientology people are. Especially among their own.


"I'm never gonna dance again
Guilty feet have got no rhythm
Though it's easy to pretend
I know your not a fool"

by: George Michael


I don't get it either, but there is clearly power to be had in people who desperately want to believe in something. For people like Remini, it makes more sense because they were raised in it and never knew any different.


One of their tactics is to target teens. looking at this show all or most of the people in it were got sucked in at 14-17. Kids of this age especially ones who are looking for meaning and this Scientology comes up and says.. hey.. we have all the answers you are looking for.

Its a powerful hook.



I agree, but look how many people believe that some ghost impregnated a virgin whose child's murder is cause for all of us to owe him something until the end of time, otherwise we'll all burn in a fictional hell forever and ever.

I don't understand how anyone gets into any religion, other than the fact that it's what their parents taught them or they were lost and in need of some type of belonging and guidance.

I was raised Catholic and I routinely went and told a stranger about the things I did wrong, thinking it was his business and that it would help me go to this fictional heaven, so it's hard for me to judge.

It took me three hours to figure out that FU was Felix Ungar.


I agree with you completely.

I don't want to denigrate others' beliefs, but if you break down any religion and examine its core tenets, they all sound ridiculous. Imagine if you had never heard of Christianity and someone started telling you about a burning bush, parting seas, an ark, a virgin birth, a messiah rising from the dead, etc. Most of the stories told in the bible are ludicrous. The basis for Christianity is just as preposterous as the basis for Scientology.

"Two gin and Frescas"
"Shaken, not ridiculed"


It is easy to break down anyone's beliefs into parts to denigrate them. That being said.. I think people are moving away from the dogma of organized religious institutions and seeking spirituality from an angle that makes sense to them. That isn't the point of this discussion.

I do believe that religious institutions for the most part are in it to help others.. are there bad eggs? There are always bad eggs. That does not mean that the majority of people who believe in a religious institutions are looking to hurt or take advantage of others.

Scientology is an organization that was invented by a man who said his sole goal was to make money. Scientology has millions of followers who drain their own bank accounts at the behest of the powers that be in order to reach levels of spiritual fulfillment that they cannot possibly ever reach without a 100 percent commitment of nothing but their time and money.

Say what you want about Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism..... That is not the way these religions operate. Are there extremists? Are there people who take the word and distort it for their own benefit? Yes... That being said... Scientology is just a huge pyramid scheme that is allowed to exist because it is protected by the US constitution as a religion.

Whether you believe in any form of god.. afterlife is irrelevant. This organization is one big parasite that has grown mostly out of the blatant abuse and theft of time and money from its followers.



I don't disagree with you. I'm just saying I can't judge the people who have gotten sucked into it, because I have believed in stupid things too.

It took me three hours to figure out that FU was Felix Ungar.


Yes Scientology does seem crazy enough to make you wonder why someone would join in the first place, but I can understand why it happenes because the same type of thing happened in Germany after WWI.
Just like Scientology with their followers,
the Nazis made the Germans think that Nazism was the best and only way to live.
