Jason Lee leaves scientology

The actor from "My Name is Earl" left the church. Wonder how long until he starts speaking out against the church like Leah Remini and Paul Haggis?



Maybe they can get him to be interviewed in season 2 of this show, would be interesting


There was an article that came out in, I wanna say 2015 that his ex wife Carmen Llewelyn wrong that was incredibly fascinating. She detailed how she got involved with Jason when she was only I think 20, how she got sucked into Scientology and how the divorce came about because she questioned it and how her agent at UTA I believe, who was also a scientologist, dumped her and black listed her... here's the link for anyone who is interested. I found it incredibly refreshing, honest, brave and thoughtful. http://gawker.com/why-i-left-scientology-1703997050
