It’s S’no White

More like S’not White.

I have yet to hear any logical explanations on why they race switched the main character and hired the Village People to play dwarves.


The problem is not that she's hispanic, but that her skin is too dark. They could've hired a pale white hispanic and it wouldn't really have mattered. Ideally, she would be a white European (it's a European fairytale, right?) although there are many Spanish Europeans. Even many "white" people would have skin that's too tan to play Snowhite.


They make this movie with the future generations in mind and the fact is, the future is brown: people of color (Indians + Chinese specially) far outnumber the number of white people in the world. As the human race continues to mix, racial ambigiousness will be more and more prevalent with a lot of people having a light brown shade of skin, sort of like Latina people. They have this in mind when erasing white people from their stories in favor of darkers skin characters.


Chinese people aren't brown.


Future generations don’t buy movie tickets now. People today do. And most people don’t want this nonsense.
