It was okay

I didn't care for Jeff Goldblum's character. If you 'own' half the city, you're going to have a particular personality that I didn't think he came close to having.

Plus, and I'm probably not alone here, I wanted Foster's character to kill him, after she learned what she did.

Guess overall I liked the premise, but it was just kinda lacking.


I agree about Goldblum. The way the character was played up, I expected someone a little more hardcore in the role. He doesn't fit that persona at all. I'm glad he didn't last long.

Again, I agree. The premise was cool. The story and execution was extremely lacking.

It was a okay movie.


I think from what little we saw, it set up Goldblum perfectly.

He doesn’t need to be hardcore. He rules the city by making it so anyone who does anything to him is punished. Also if he sees a way to manipulate a situation to better himself he will do it.

For instance he kills The Nurses son, and turns her into his own private doctor with a private hospital that has a membership cost.

Also potentially it was a role he also inherited. As it seems the person to succeed him would be a family member, one of his sons. So if this ruling crime family has been around for awhile that could be enough to keep people in line and have enough power he doesn’t need to be hardcore himself.

He doesn’t need to show he is hardcore. He has people to do that for him in other words.

I think if this had been a tv show instead of a movie, we would have gotten way more history here and been shown just why the Wolf king is so feared and so powerful.

There was so much world building in this movie, it took away from the actual movie. It jammed to much in. With each character worthy of their own story.

A tv show would be perfect for this. Or hell a graphic novel series.


Oh as “NURSE” said it best: he was an ex-hippie who traded his beads for bullets.. or something like that. Yes he was a boss, but he took advantage of the situation the city was in and proved to be that type of person who could easily turn from a peace protesting hippie to a mob boss, given the right conditions. Of course he would have some of his hippie personality still engrained in him.


It was a decent movie. Well done and original. Bautista did a good job as well. I just wish they would have said what happened to Nice.


Agreed about Nice. I wonder if that was just left on the cutting room floor.

That character would actually make a great spin off!


Nice walks past in the hallway scene just after the credits start...

..starts at 3.08 -

'Such A Night at the Movies'
