MovieChat Forums > The Resurrection of the Christ Discussion > are jews gonna crucify gibson again?

are jews gonna crucify gibson again?

i'm guessing he fell in line and this time he's gonna even not depict the jews at all or depict them as the good guys. last time he depicted jews being responsible for the death of jesus and they were furious. i hope goes out in a blaze of glory and show the jew's true face. i mean he's old as fuck. what are they gonna do to him now? if i'm lying and antisemitic, why was gibson's drunken arrest played back to back on every news channel for days? last time i saw that was literally 9/11. is a drunken racist tirade equivalent to the biggest terrorist attack on american soil? so do jews control the media or not?


The Bible is the edited word of God. The Romans changed things to make themselves look better and portray the Jews as villains.


so you think jewbag religious leadership is just ok with a person taking power away from them? the least that would've happened was they were praying to god that jesus would be killed. so no, it's not just some some christians made up. christianity is literally judaism 2.0. the biggest difference is judaism is an ethnicity and christianity is only a religion. you're not a real jew unless you have jew blood. the two religions share the same god with one having a prophet, jesus.


Well, they killed Christ, and they are always after their next target.




Jesus was from the Jewish people and he's the ultimate good guy.


yes he's a jew but not a jewbag like the rest of em. he let people join him. you can't become a jew no matter how much they lie that it's a religion. you couldnt convert to judaism and they'd love you in israel. jews are an ethnicity. you need to have jewish blood to be a jew. the level of nepotism jews have around the world is insane and that's why they own the western world.


What about Bernie Madoff? He conned many of his fellow jews. No loyalty there.


obviously not every jew is bad, however the majority of them do practice massive nepotism. in fact, if you actually read writing by jews, they even admit it. a specific example being a book by chester e finn. he wrote about his early days when he met some jew politician and they spoke specifically about him being a jew and getting help because of it. i think the book must've been "we must take charge." this forum is unmoderated and that's why i can even say any of this. almost anywhere else on the english speaking internet, you would be banned instantly. we cant even discuss it, that's how much power they have.


I'm not religious and see jews as a mafia organization.

Gibson works in Hollywood and of course he knows this as does anyone with common sense.

In the Bible, it says jews are the Church of Satan.

Gibson says he's very religious and so he's going to make that part of the movie somehow.

But, if this is about the resurrection of Jesus, that might not have a part in the story as it will be a story of a miracle vs torture and destruction like the last film.
