MovieChat Forums > Mayans M.C. (2018) Discussion > The whole season series finale led to a ...

The whole season series finale led to a shit ending

It started great then turned to shit


That finale kinda hurts series rewatchibility, whereas SoA I’ve rewatched 3 times since airing. I guess I’ll know for sure in the next few years.


"That finale kinda hurts series rewatchibility"

That was what I thought while I watched that scene. I wouldn't stand re-watching the scenes with these brothers who killed Ez and his pregnant girlfriend.


I thought the series ended pretty well for the most part. There was a lot of open ended stories and unanswered questions by the last episode, which sucked, but it was definitely not a boring final season, and it may have surpassed the Sons of Anarchy finale in actual bloodshed.

Some disturbing final episodes for sure. Glad at least a couple people had a happy ending, even though none of them really deserved it. Haha.


I thought it was great, it was brutal and hard to watch, and its really the only way i could've saw it ending.

Ez finally being exposed for being a rat, and the club butchering him. Those fucking knife stabs was brutal as fuck, they didn't cut away, showed it going right into his heart, its the first thing in a long time i've saw on tv that was hard for me to watch. I get seeing Ez murdered like that was not what you wanted to see, but its the only way i ever saw it ending for him after a certain point. And it was satisfying after what they did seeing Potter take them down so they didn't really get away with it and likely got killed by the swat team. And Angel got his happy ending with his son in a new life, so i thought it wrapped up perfectly


I thought the series was a disjointed mess.
