My alternative ending

my opinion this was average movie but it could've been better if there're no survivors. my ending would be getting the girls shot by the soldiers. Very cold and deferent!


Nah, that kind of ending is today's cliche. It's almost what I expected to happen honestly.


Wtf no, then everyone would've died for nothing. There was another zombie movie (forgot which movie it was) where the main character got shot by a police officer in the ending when he came out of a house, that pissed me off -_-


That would be the original Zombie film, Night of the Living Dead.


thats like the worst ending ever.


Yea, if they wanted the audience to tear, they should have shot dead the pregnant woman.........and then add some flash back (seeing her husband etc).......then probably the young kid can scream out in korean,and they realize they are not zombies and stop......

so only 1 survivor (good for part 2 if any)


Kill a pregnant woman and a child? *beep* off with that *beep* People would hate that movie!


the pregnant woman should already be dead with all that running and train climbing or at least her baby.


there's a reason why the director left the scene where the dude finally names his baby before dying. i think the whole part of that scene would be redundant if they just kill her off in the end


the ending was already the best. your version sucks. my opinion.


That's exactly the kind of ending that turned The Mist into a steaming turd.
It used to be that all Hollywood Endings were happy, and thus the artsy thing to do was to pull off an ending twist where everything goes to *beep* It got overused up to the point that it's now the movies that turn a happy ending into a *beep* one are the cliche, instead of the other way round.


I like the OP's idea, I thought about that as well. And I disagree with others, this is not a cliche ending and the problem with The Mist was different. The deaths in The Mist was pointless and result of the ignorance. They gave up too fast without actually having enough information on what is going on, not knowing and not understanding what is happening. So the ending of the Mist was so annoying because their actions seemed like actions of really dumb people, which was the opposite of what we thought of them. Such inconsistency is what made The Mist so bad. But in this movie the ending that OP is describing is very much different. Everybody know and see what is happening, the desperation of the still living is completely justified, it is much more obvious for the soldiers to take them out based on their reality. Chances for a woman with a child surviving zombie apocalypse is so slim that soldiers should've shoot them much earlier and not ask for permission, not in the reality they see around them. And should I remind an ending of the little unknown movie called Night of the living Dead? Trust me, such ending would be disturbing and people would go crazy because of it, but it could be the best ending.


the mist was amazing


The Mist WAS amazing until that ending turned into the steaming turd previously referenced. I left the theater sickened after that movie, generally not a feeling I like paying money to inflict upon myself.

Downer endings are fine and while I believe it's perfectly legimate artistically to destroy all the characters you've invested screen time into developing, had the army just shot the two survivors you would've been denied the highly poignant singing the little girl did of Aloha Oi, the song she'd practiced for her father which ultimately saved their lives.
