MovieChat Forums > The Orville (2017) Discussion > With a civilization that can jump 7 cent...

With a civilization that can jump 7 centuries in 700 seconds...

and probably have all the whites wiped out (joke, since the ones that met them were black), I doubt they would be that humble. Give it a few more 700 seconds and they'd be ruling the universe already with such fast progress and probably conquering shit as well. Heck they based it all on the religious aspect and we know how that goes with our planet Earth.


Maybe people that advanced have outgrown being douchebags....


Maybe, but I doubt it. Our civilizations have spanned several eras and we're just as violent as ever. I don't think we'll ever see that unity coming anytime soon if at all (unless aliens come and visit I guess).


plus we just don't want to learn. we kinda had out high point in the 90s and since then we seem to slip into amnesia and repeat the same mistakes over and over again. most stuff is even getting worse.


Maybe, but I doubt it. Our civilizations have spanned several eras and we're just as violent as ever. I don't think we'll ever see that unity coming anytime soon if at all (unless aliens come and visit I guess).

No where not. Just look at the war casualty count from world war I and up. Wars nowdays are just mild skirmishes compared to our history. I know your young and pessimistic but try to base your opinions on reality rather then your raw uninformed disdain for humanity.


Thats cause they are simple placeholder wars of super powers vs. small countries. Think what would happen if we dont have the nuclear blance of power.


looking at our history of violent and brutal conflicts and saying were more violent then ever with a straight face is pretty dim. If your theory is correct then why arn't non nuclear nations totally fighting it out. Population wise those small countries should be doing alot more damage compared to the brutality of the last 2000 years and earlier. We have better access to resources via technology that reduces the need for us to compete with other nations.


Superpowers attack small countries. So how could thso small countires damage the people of the superpower when the war is at their country?


Your missing the point. Non nuclear nations should be engaging in conflict with each other all the time.

Its like people are deliberately ignoring the facts so that they can maintains their pessimistic views of humanity. For progressives the sky *MUST* always be falling to feed their agenda.


Within an hour they would be thousands of years ahead of the Union. Within a day they would be like gods.
I expected them to say that the trans-universe anomaly was collapsing or something.
I agree that wouldn't necessarily be peaceful. Many Star Trek races were advanced and aggressive.
In The Orville, the Krill seems as nasty as any.


It was eleven days, not eleven minutes.
