Season 2 Episode 3 has to be one of the best Netflix Marvel Episodes ever (spoilers)
Sure it was a rip of John Carpenter's Assault on Precinct 13, but damn it was so bad ass in doing it. Really showed Frank Castle in his element, when Frank is running through the forest knocking off the bad guys is awesome. I also liked the acting from the support cast. Joe Holt as The Sheriff, Brandon Gill as the deputy who get's shot, Jamie Ann Romero as Deputy Murphy and Rudy Eisenzopf as Deputy Dobbs. Also Donald Webber Jr as The brother of Deputy who got shot. Also Terri Reeves as Marlena, the hitwoman although it sucked how she was killed off. Was hoping her and Frank would have got a nice end fight. But not to be.
Definitely my favorite episode from season 2, which overall I loved although like most Netflix Marvel shows it could have been even better if cut down to 10 episodes.