thoughts on season 5?
it's pretty garbage so far..
Sandy makes some questionable decisions
It's okay - I prefer to binge it rather than wait a week between episodes though.
Hannah seems to have checked out.
it started bad .. with the stew leaving and all the childish tension
-and now the chef is screwing up..
-captain micro-managing
-Pete getting called out for being a general douche.
issa little much know what i'm saying
It's great because Malia is back.
shareSo many annoying characters. Such a mixed bag season.
- Hiring a nice guy like Kiko, then firing him is just heartless. Maybe his cooking style was more bistro than superyacht but that mistake is on Sandy for not vetting him properly.
- Hannah’s firing onscreen was vicious too. Mental health is a private matter, not fodder for reality tv drama.
- Sandy’s (aka Capt. Lurk) micromanaging is annoyingly evident. She is always lurking but never grasps what is really going on. Her laundry complaints, for one, were totally uncalled for given they were down one stew at that time.
- Jess & Rob romance is dull. They are hot looking but zero personality types. Jess’ petty jealousies and insecurities are out of control.
- Malia is a tattletale, kiss-up and a hypocrite. She lost all credibility when she turned in Hannah AFTER making a fuss about rooming with Tom.
- her bf Tom is an English prig
- Bugsy is a great stew, very organized and on top of her job... but she has a grating personality and voice.
- the deck guy slobbering over her is soo awkward. Getting too cringeworthy to watch him.
- the one bright star Aesha came too late to save this season. Her humor is underappreciated by this lackluster crew.
- seeing Pete tagging along with the crew but edited out of the season is just weird.
- the guests are by and large unmemorable. Does Bravo only offer the show discount to groups who agree to bring dildoes, vibrators and bawdy humor? Getting sick of watching pathetic, flabby, middle aged, supposed business tycoons act like drunk, horny middle schoolers all the time. Invite better guests Bravo.
OMG Aesha is a sight for sore eyes!! she sort of makes the tail end of this season viewable..
agree with the rest of the points. i never noticed how unprofessional captain Sandy could be but damn........
oh well * shrug * few more episodes before the end : )