99% arguing/scheming characters talking...1% horror
Well, in episode 3 we got more of the two groups having their interpersonal conflicts amongst themselves while taking refuge in the Church and the Shopping Mall. Ok, that's fine...after all, the original King story had the same set-up with a group hiding out in a supermarket.
Except King didn't wait to introduce some moments of genuine horror into his tale before the reader got bored from reading too much. The Mist, as written by King, WAS a horror story. And the moments of horror were pretty memorable, too (I won't spoil it for you if you haven't read it...which you should do as soon as possible--it's one of his best efforts).
The TV show, however, has decided that all we're gonna see early on is a bunch of killer bugs. First, it was the attack of the cockroaches. And now we've seen how a moth can get inside your head (literally) and instantly reproduce in seconds so hundreds of moths can emerge. And, just like Red Bull, killer moths give you wings, too.
Yes, a cheap joke, but appropriate since this show seems also to be done on the cheap. It certainly doesn't seem to have much of an effects budget. I know I should stop watching right now, but the masochist in me wants to continue just to see how idiotic the characters will be, and how abysmal the effects will remain. I haven't had a good show to hate-watch on TV since Under The Dome went off the air...could The Mist be the next Big Stupid to take its place? Episode 4 might answer that question.
EDIT: Incidentally, the rating for this show at The Site Which Must Not Be Named is only 5.6... That is EXTREMELY low for a new TV show or movie, so the people who've watched The Mist so far must really hate it.