Gay Angels!?

My god, as if the forced diversity wasn’t bad enough. As a gay man I am sick of this pandering bs! Honestly, what does this even add?


There were gay angels in the book too, genius.

Pullman doesn't give a shit. He's the guy who called the Chronicles of Narnia, racist, sexist, and religious propaganda.


Whatever. Those chronicles have stood the test of time. His dark materials don’t even come close. Even if this is from the source material, it is so heavy handed in all forms of entertainment that it’s just propaganda at this point.


Acidraindrop is correct, ignoramus. I too have read and loved the HDM trilogy, and it has featured many unique and interesting characters. I can only assume you'll go nuts once you see the Mulefa, my personal favourites.


It isn't forced anything you doofus. It's true to the book. As I suspect you well know.


The problem with this line of thinking is that too many people assume that you can either like one of the other. I like both. Narnia has stood the test of time. It’s a fairy tale. It honors chivalry. But I can understand why some people are offended by it. Me personally; I’m not.

I also love HDM. It’s much newer but has obviously stood the test of time also since it’s now been adapted into both a film and a series. I love how it interconnects between worlds. And I also admire the anti-corruption theme that runs throughout the story with the Magisterium.


Gay troll? Don't believe you!


That was cringe AF. Why do we need gay angels in children's stories (whether book or TV show)?


His Dark Materials is Philip Pullman's anti-organised religion masterpiece, and apparently the movie series failed because of having to cater to Christian movie executives in the USA... which is a massive pity. If you're pissed off with angels who are (let's say) very fond of each other, then you have to reconsider your stance on today's reality, it's not this adaptation's (nor the original books') fault.


Yeah, I've been considering my stance on today's reality a lot lately.
I have come to the conclusion that our culture is ѕhіt.
I'm tired of of seeing degenerates everywhere.
But unfortunately these are common symptoms of collapsing societies, especially empires. Capitalism is a failed system, and our culture is a failed culture.
Socialism is our only hope.


The movie series failed because the film didn't make enough money. I thought the film was okay, but not great, so the low box office doesn't surprise me. If they watered it down (I haven't read the book, so I take your word for it that they did) the book's anti-Catholic stance must be at frothing-at-the-mouth levels because I remember the movie being quite aggressive and on-the-nose with its criticism of religion generally and Catholicism specifically. The always horrifically evil baddies are called the Magisterium.


The Magisterium in the story want control over all aspects of human life across all parallel worlds, and definitely want to destroy knowledge of Dust. If they were bad in The Golden Compass, they're complete BASTARDS in this TV adaptation!


I'm sure in the TV series and books they were worse, I was just saying that people criticized the film for holding back, but the Magisterium (a completely undisguised Catholic term) were all evil, evil people with no redeeming qualities (that I saw). Philip Pullman wasn't playing the nuance game, and this was obvious and evident in the film. Making them worse would honestly turn them into cartoon villains (and they were already basically there).


"Childrens stories"
You really REALLY haven't been paying attention have you.


Say What?



Nailed it.
