MovieChat Forums > The Shape of Water (2017) Discussion > 13 Academy Award nominations for crap

13 Academy Award nominations for crap

Shape of Water is not a great film nor even a good film, its average at best, for it to get so many nominations is mind blowing for such a silly film!

The direction was good but not comparable to a film like Dunkirk, Sally Hawkins and Octavia Spencer didn’t give outstanding or memorable performances, the best supporting performances came from Michael Shannon and Michael Stuhlbarg but instead they nominate Richard Jenkins for his role as a homosexual.

I get the feeling this very average fantasy film got nominated for all the wrong reasons...because of its liberal undertones.


I just saw this yesterday. I think it's a very good film, but 13 nominations is too many. Maybe 8.


Not my favorite film of the year by far. Has the look of the film Amelie. Any why is Octavia Spencer nominated for this? Also why was Sally Hawkins nominated for this and not Maudie? Much better in Maudie.


Octavia Spencer really didnt do that much, I liked the character she played, but Oscar worthy?


I liked Octavia Spencer's character also, but it wasn't Oscar worthy. There were lots of other actresses that deserved to be there.


Yeah, her interaction with her husband was funny, but other than that there was nothing memorable.



In your opinion, and your opinion is foolish because you prove that you are liberalphobe, you are so scared of liberals that you see them and have to try to attack them in your dreams. Sounds like you could benefit from some psychological help.


Criticism does not make a person scared, and throwing insults at another poster makes you sound childish, disagree all you want but leave your juvenile insults elsewhere. Thanks :)


I, too, am dumbfounded that this highly overrated film received 13 nominations. Sally Hawkins is terrific, but we've
come to expect that from her. Much of the film is overblown and silly. I enjoyed it, but found it way too long,
derivative and cliché (Richard Jenkins' gay character).

Some wonderful photography, and a good cast, but it's simply not worthy of this many nominations.


SJW outrage is a psychological disorder, get help. Lefty politics in art is a huge problem.


Amen, Satan! Amen!



it's a solid film, but it does not deserve any oscars.

"because of its liberal undertones"

aaaah, so you are an imbecile. that explains it.


This is always an interesting point of contention that arises every year come Oscar season. Essentially, people start disagreeing about whether or not a certain film is worthy of its accolades. The problem ultimately lies in the fact that films are, by and large, still considered a wholly subjective experience. When we start applying objective standards to films and rating every category (e.g., screenwriting, plot cohesion, period accuracy, character development, etc.), then maybe people would be slightly less disappointed if they understood why a film was nominated for so many awards.

In a sense, you're right--what decision making process lead to this film being nominated for 13 awards? What is the scale being used here? My argument is that there are no objective standards.



It also has a racism lunch counter scene and an over the top bad guy who's obviously a right winger. I think there's some sexism stuff in it too and the Americans are the bad guys with the Soviets looking reasonable in comparison.

I think this was all on purpose because del Toro knows how to pander to critics and awards voters, you fill your move with left wing SJW political issues. It worked.


How many of these awards will it get?

I can see it ending up with one or two by the end of it...


Amen! This is a sick and disgusting piece of crap! But knowing the scumbags in Hollyweird, it will probably win the Oscar.

