MovieChat Forums > THX1138
THX1138 (34)
Release the alternate endings.
They may be able to save the show somewhat by releasing alternate endings with one being Dany on the throne. I read they did shoot alternate endings so they should release them. That cant change Dany going nuts, but it would be a good ending for the show that the mass killer ends up winning, instead of the good guys (Jon, Sansa, Bran, Sam....)
Its obvious what happened to this show. George Martin's books ran out and they had to write it themselves. It was only great when they had George's books to use.
Its your last response because you know I'm right and you're running away.
That they met the white family at the beach I think was just to streamline the plot. They could have been the annoying neighbors, but he needed the Hall of Mirrors scene so I think it was a way of doing two things at once, so he made them "friends". You have to look at the way they interact though. They seem to be just tolerating them and the twins are definitely meant to be annoying and not nice to the little boy. He could have written it more blatant but he's subtle about it, I'm sure with rewrites. Its like in Get Out they could have been right wingers, and I wouldn't be surprised if they were at first, but he sort of camouflages it by making them liberals. It's obvious what his politics are though so he's not fooling me.
You're the one that seems silly, like you love this filmmaker too much for some reason.
They weren't really "friends". You can tell they're suppose to be people they socialize with but don't really like a lot. Theyre written that way so when they're killed the audience can enjoy it.
Its still killing the white family even though theyre clones. Its a clever way to do it without doing it directly. Theyre representations of the white family. Also the scene where the real white mom is killed is played for laughs. You actually get to see the annoying white family killed twice.
You have to put it in the context of this filmmakers other film and everything else I mentioned in my second post (above, near the top).
Youre drunk.
Its not done for laughs though or to take pleasure in. A hands on beating to death gets a different response than being run over by a boat or hit by a car.
There's some stuff id like to add so I'll just post it here since you're near the top.
This is a black director that makes movies that are about race and racism.
Who said recently he will never cast a white actor as a lead.
Who cast the actress from 12 Years a Slave, an actor from Black Panther who played a character that doesn't like white people, a white actress who is known for her left wing politics....
All his white characters are dislikable. You're even suppose to laugh at one scene where the white mom character is murdered. Also there's another white male character than gets murdered by the girl black character after he's being an annoying white neighbor.
I dont say him having white characters beaten and killed by blacks is a definite pattern, but its the beginning of one. And you have to look at it in the context of everything else I mentioned above. We'll have to see if it continues.
They may be over-praising Glover and the female droid because politically that's the correct thing to do. From what Ive seen in trailers the female droid seems really annoying.
I don't doubt the movie will be sort of fun though for average moviegoers. I mean how cant it be, it's a big production with a lot of shooting and action etc....
My prediction of it not doing business after a big opening was based on it being a bad movie. Turns out its decent. Had I known that my prediction would have been different.
I was right though that it would open big and that it wouldnt do as well in foreign markets. That is because of the black population in the US and the liberal politics here compared to the rest of the word especially China.
I should have made two predictions, one if it was a bad movie and one if it was good/decent.
Could Get Out, in part, be about being biracial? Jordan Peele is half white, half black; Get Out is about white people's brains being put into black bodies and essentially a merging of the two; there are several lines in the movie about the white people wanting to become stronger, faster.... It could be sort of a secondary way of interpreting the film and be an insight into the subconscious of the filmmaker. Jordan Peele may think of himself as a white person and a black person sharing the same body.
They're not going to say that in their reviews, they'll praise it for other reasons. But knowing how left wing most critics are, and how politically correct the atmosphere is today, that if a film is overrated that's probably why. Its a bias, it's not something that they admit to in the review, for the most part.
Check out the split between critics and audience on RottenTomatoes:
Critics 15% liked it. Audience 85% liked it.
Another great example of how critics have a political bias. Some more recent examples: Ghostbusters '16, Mad Max Fury Road, The Last Jedi, Get Out, Shape of Water, Lady Bird, Black Panther....
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