MovieChat Forums > Deadpool 2 (2018) Discussion > Was the Anti-Pedo Message a Swipe at MCU...

Was the Anti-Pedo Message a Swipe at MCU?

Wow, saw this the first time and liked it way more than the original at first watch! 7/10

Also, KUDOS they demonstrated some creative and political BALLS with showing the pedophiles misusing the central antagonist, and the severe consequences such misuse had on his character.

Deadpool: "Only best buddies execute pedophiles together."!

I mean one of the first things I ever heard about Marvel and it's fandom was that they are basically the Catholic Church in form of cartoon-nerd Scientology. Both Marvel film franchises had notorious pedo incidents up to the highest ranks, James "I like when kids touch me in my silly place" Gunn and Brian Singer are examples.

Quote Deadpool again : "Marvel is trying to sell toys to 8-year olds and pedophiles". I assume under Disney they will not make them like this anymore….


James Gunn is a paedophile?


it is not relevant if he is or not. He made countless pro child rape comments and jokes and endorsed pedos and pedo right groups. It's not a crime to be a pedo. But it is to act on this depraved disposition by promoting the cause, by possessing pedo porn and/or by raping children - regardless if you are a pedo or not.

A few Gunn quotes, there is even worse stuff if you look it up.

- "I remember my first NAMBLA (note: North American Man&Boy Love Association) meeting. It was the first time it was ok being who I am. Some of these guys are still my BFFs."

- From his blog: "...story about a monkey jerking off on a boy, and his cum splash-landed directly on the kid...screaming and freaking out commenced - might be sick, but this story makes me EXTREMELY HAPPY"

- "I like the video where he urinates on a child" (about singer R Kelly, a pedophile)

- "Husten Huddelston (note: a convicted child pornographer and pedophile) just linked this video about 100 pubescent girls masturbating on my Facebook. "I just came all over my face. "

- "I like when little boys touch me in my silly place. Sssh"

- The first time I masturbated to [note: 15 year old] Justin Bieber it was a joke, but now I cannot stop! He's like jerk off crack!

- The Hardy Boys and the Mystery of What It Feels Like When Uncle Bernie Fists Me #SadChildrenBooks.

- “I’m doing a big Hollywood film adaptation of "The Giving Tree" with a happy ending – the tree grows back and gives the kid a blowjob.”

- “The Expendables was so manly I fucked the shit out of the little pussy boy next to me!”
- "Eagle snatches Kid" is what I call it when I get lucky...

- "Tell your 3 year old about me fucking c-3PO, he will appreciate it when older"

- 3 men and a baby these men had sex with #unromanticmovie

- Shower was so weak felt like a 3 year old peeing on my face.

- In my new film jerking off is forbidden and a high school kid he jerks off before the others.
- “The best thing about being raped is when you’re done being raped and it’s like ‘whew this feels great, not being raped!"

- "I just thought about ass-raping my friend in her sleep"


Holy crap, this guy is totally into it. I hadn't had read this stuff but now I can see why Disney wanted to cut ties with him.


He was just trying to shock people. Immature, but he's not pedo.


sure, he was trying hard to shock convicted pedophiles like his pal Husten Huddelston and all his Nambla "BFFs" audience, especially when linking material. Try again.


While deadpool does do (way too many) pedophile jokes in the movie, none of the characters were shown to actually be a pedophile.
