6.6??? Yea right

This movie was great. Deserves better.


Pffft. You're right, it deserves a better and more accurate score -3.2


awesome movie super entertaining, i thought the whole story was very original, kind of Alien like but also not at all, the execution and acting were very good,

9/10 for me


Agreed. Just saw it tonight, & this was a solid 8. Underrated movie!


I’d give it a 7


It's highly entertaining... Worth a much higher rating... and definitely worth a watch...


same as other people here i agree i gave it 9 ,

there is the classic Hollywood political correct set up with the minorities diversity which feels very ''forced'' but apart from that the rest is highly entertaining and very well done

really hope they do a second one !!


Lol, come on. I'm against shoving forced diversity into movies just for the sake of being 'woke' as well, but one of the few settings where it is completely logical is onboard the INTERNATIONAL Space Station. Made perfect sense

And sadly, I doubt they will ever do a sequel to this movie. It bombed in the US, which is a shame because it is a great movie.


Yeah I didn’t mind the diversity in this one. International space station, and it didn’t make the white males out to be incompetent and/or evil.

Is the world class genius scientist really likely to be a black man?? I’ll give it a pass because the actor was damn good.


I agree - but that's how it is - transformers films is what it's all about these days.


I gave it a 6/10. It was all right, IMO, not great.


Six-point-six seems fine to me. I thought it was an Alien clone that didn't bring anything deliciously new to the table. It also didn't really maximize on its own premise, I thought. A bit forgettable, but fun while I watched it.

I could see it being a seven, but that's it.


Nah. It's lucky to have a 6.6 rating. Idiot plot, Idiot characters, & an uninspired alien monster that clearly read the script.
