Oh good, another internet hall monitor. fuck off Klownz
I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-https://youtu.be/vW6vLhXnazk
Having people post links to other sites is big fucking no no. It starts off small, next thing you know it's spam city. You've seen the Facebook posts on IMDb, right? People trying to have a conversation about such and such and then the conversation is fucked by a million posts about how to make 15,000 an hour blah blah blah.
Or what about people that don't contribute, I know you do, but how many don't? They just spam the boards with a link to their site and bugger off. In case you missed it, this site isn't that popular yet. You want what little traffic it does have leeched off to other sires, or drive that little traffic away all together?
Funny how you never see people dropping a review with their site/channel at the bottom after the review is finished. "If you liked my review, there's more at my site/channel" something along those lines. It's a lot less spammy than "click this".
As for the movie, it sucked fucking balls. It sucked so bad it fucking wished it could be as good as an alien clone. Does no one know how to end a movie anymore?
I respect your opinion dude compared to the clown guy but i'm not in this for the money or any kind of business venture. Movies and writing about them is my passion and I just try to find places I can share my stuff with and get people to look at it. I'm not here to start any trend and I'm sure Craig isn't either. I see what you're saying though cause I was on the IMDB boards before they shut down but you don't need to worry about any spam from us.
As I said, post your review here with a link to your site/channel, and you wont get any hatful posts. Up to you what you do. As good as your intentions might be, we've all been burned too many times by the unscrupulous.
I think calling people names (Cunt for example) is a far more detrimental thing to these new boards but I understand what you're saying. That's why even when the imdb boards were up I would answer questions and engage people because I feel that should be my goal (as someone who wants to review film and understand it) to do so. I'm as straight a shooter as they come and I feel people have the choice of figuring that out on their own or not. The name calling is very much worse though.