MovieChat Forums > Fast X (2023) Discussion > Negro Comical Relief

Negro Comical Relief

The magical negro and the negro comical relief are outdated techniques in film. It was a bit tasteless to portray Tyrese Gibson as a stupid but funny character followed by Ludacris the magical negro who’s only job is service the white man. The movie would be much better if both those characters were nixed.


How is Ludacris’s only job to “service the white man?” For starters, the leader of the crew he’s on happens to be black. But even if Dom were white, how would Ludacris working for his crew have racial implications? Would there be racial implications if the roles were reversed?

Tyrese is a funny guy in general. And his banter with Ludacris is fun and clever, not unlike the banter between Smith and Lawrence in the Bad Boys films. Besides, both Tyrese and Ludacris have had plenty of standout, ass-kicking moments…and moments where they show leadership and expertise.

If anything, they make Scott Eastwood’s character out to be the buffoon and butt of jokes.

You’re really reaching with the race-baiting here. Its an easy crutch, but rather tired, and simple…



Fast X is a complete disaster. I rated this 1/10 on imdb. Imho Tyrese Gibson is terrible. He did a great job in Fast 2 but have since been type cast in all subsequent movies. Ludacris is selflessly helping white people with his special insight so yes he is a


You can’t be this simple.

So, a black guy like Ludacris can simply NEVER be a part of a crew, based on his expertise, in which there are also white people….without him being considered a “MN”?

Besides, Dom….the leader of the crew, happens to be black.

Not satisfied if there’s no diversity….and, not satisfied if there IS diversity. Not satisfied if a person of color isn’t written as smart and a key character…but then also not satisfied when he IS. This is the kind of lack of sophisticated thinking that will always hinder you in life.

What is Han….a “Magical Asian”, because he happens to be Asian, in a crew of diverse people?

Not to mention, the main producer of these films, Vin D, is black. Are you blaming a black man for how he films his diverse crew??

Are you calling Ludacris a sellout…for agreeing to play a genius technology wiz in a diverse crew??

You’ve lost all credibility. Just keep race baiting and complaining…the behavior of a hypocritical, simple ass loser.


He never knew his biological father. His mother is white (with English, German, Scottish, and Irish ancestry), Diesel has said that he himself is "definitely a person of colour".
Ie he is not black!


F9 was the disaster.
