MovieChat Forums > Wind River (2017) Discussion > Wind River or Hell or High Water

Wind River or Hell or High Water

Which did you think was better?


I think WR is a little deeper than HOHW.

Both are pretty good though, but I gotta give WR a slight edge. It's got the more realistic gun fights and broader story, HOHW is pretty much "banks bad, they need a lootin". And come on, all those civilians chasing bank robbers?? lol... I doubt that. WR has a better ending too.

However, Jeff Bridges was pretty damn good in HOHW. It's worth the price of admission just to see him in this role. I'd give them about the same rating, its a 7.2 out of 10 in my view. HOHW is definitely more action packed while WR is slow-burn. Both are good modern westerns though.


Equally good, great films!
