To every 24 fan

So to everyone who won't watch 24 without Kiefer Sutherland,it means 1 of 2 things that all of you were never 24 fans or you are all a bunch of thickos.


I am definitely going to watch it and to the people who are not going to watch it I don't care.


I will give it a go. 24 has always been about Chloe and Jack but so long as it keeps the same theme and stays true to 24 then I can't see it going wrong. If people decide to boycott because the lead isn't Sutherland then that's their problem.


I see it's already been rated a bunch of times although no one has seen it yet. Funny eh?!


4.9/10 from '186 IMDb users' - I've not rated it, it's not out -yet- or something. Btw., it totally makes NO sense to have 24 without Jack Bauer, no matter how it's rationalized!..;)

... However, making complete TRASH like 24: Live Another Day didn't -really- make sense either. So, perhaps it was time for a change! :)

Edit: I'm just hoping for no BULL digital gun shots, like in Banshee for example (horrible).

*Because which DIMWIT thinks they've done a good job with it, for crying out loud


I get what you're saying but at least it's not just called 24. They've added Legacy to the title to differentiate. Other shows have spin-offs. Look at Star Trek as a classic example. I bet people said 'It's not Star Trek without Kirk as the captain'.


I find it interesting that they're playing the PC diversity card and putting a black guy in the lead role. Now every show it seems has to have their share of token black and gay performers/performances.


This is NOT the original 24, is not meant to be. Hence, NO JACK BAUER. Why is it anytime a primary character is not White it's...

playing the PC diversity card


That's ignorant, racist sh!t. Most people on the planet ore not White, or is that news to you? YOU'RE (et al) the token


This is NOT the original 24, is not meant to be. Hence, NO JACK BAUER. Why is it anytime a primary character is not White it's...

playing the PC diversity card

Very well stated, and absolutely correct.

I have a very low tolerance for stupid so if I ignore you it's nothing personal.


LAD was one of the best have shït taste.


I can see it going wrong if Legacy isn't as compelling, wither in story or in character, as Sutherland's 24 was. In watching the trailer, I wasn't impressed, personally speaking.


Don't be stupid Jack Bauer is 24


Who's the showrunner? Is this being produced by an entirely different team of people? If so that's a pretty big reason not to watch. Seasons 7&8 and LAD are reasons not to watch for me. This formula was expired years ago.

"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"


That 'Showrunner' you trash talk at are the same people who write 24 since day one.

and wtf is ss7 and LAD are reason not to watch anyway? LAD and season 7 was better than season 6,8 and that's fact. stop having *beep* taste.




Agree too.


"This formula was expired years ago"

Correct, I checked my old series' dvds and the expiration date was May 2006 after season V

"The problem with quotes from the internet is that many of them are just made up" Abraham Lincoln


24 is the idea not the man why don't people understand that.


Oh they understand totally. But see, it became the Jack Bauer show from S1 and viewers got hooked mainly by the Character, not by the format. There can be a show with Bauer, without the real time thing. Right Jack Bauer without 24 instead of 24 without Bauer. But now that with Designated Survivor it makes this 24 Legacy sort of passe.


Of course, this is entirely and only your presumption but you're welcome to it.


Somebody put this retard down like a dog.


The probably don't know how Michelle is , who Kate Warner and Audrey Raines is.
They don't remember Gaines and Ira.

They don't remember President Charles or Edgar

They don't remember a Chase Edmunds
Or othet crazy things that happened besides Jack Bauer.


...or Nina Myers or George Mason LOL


Or Ryan Chapel or any of Kimberly's love interests.
