MovieChat Forums > 24: Legacy (2017) Discussion > Episode 2 was really good!

Episode 2 was really good!

I'm so in right now! Episode 2 was classic 24! They really should have had a 2 episode premiere, because while the Pilot did a good job introducing the story, Episode 2 is really what sealed the deal for me.

I feel like all the characters got a little more fleshed out, and in turn I cared about them more. Eric Carter is cool! So far, a worthy replacement for Jack.

I love the twist of having the campaign manager actually be a terrorist. That's gonna make some good TV!

Now that Mullins is cleared, hopefully he can bring Carter into CTU on... a provisional basis!


I disagree. I thought the first episode was really good. This episode took a huge nosedive in my opinion. The lead actor is pretty bad. Almost every character seems incredibly dumb. The CTU director comes in and shuts everything down like he wasn't already told about the potential attacks and what was going on with the Rangers being killed. That made no sense. Really dumb storytelling this episode.


indeed it was good

You can't persuade fanboys. You'd be better off trying to convince a wall. ~CodeNamePlasmaSnake~


I thought the first one was better. Part of the problem is there is NO know he's gonna do whatever, and then, since we really don't know the character, I really don't care what happens to him. I just know that he'll somehow get out of the police station.


Obviously CTU will help Eric out of the police station, with the actual director in charge this time. Getting George Mason/Chapelle vibes from the CTU director, Keith Mullins.


Episode 2 was trash! Nothing happened! The first one was watchable and gave me some hope, hope that is now gone after that boring 2nd episode.

Waiting for Tony to show up now


i was entertained.. all i need sometimes.
seems too many people need a new show to be the best thing ever right away, or they chastise it as the worst.


I was expecting this to suck, but it's going pretty good.
Episode 2 was great.

If only Kiefer was on it... :(


I liked both the first episode and the second. We didn't know more about Jack Bauer after two episodes, either. I like that this guy is's more believable that he can outrun people. ;)
