Ok 24 Season so far

So far Legacy has been following the 24 formula quite well. Last 4 episodes were ok. Still waiting for that wow episode.


Good to know, my DVR has been recording them but I haven't watched it yet.


Too much so in my opinion. Though I hear new fans are really enjoying it. I do like that they're doing a total origin tale with this character, he's not already part of the well oiled machine like Jack was. That's pretty cool.


100% agree. I like it. I miss jack, Chloe and everyone else, obviously but as a 24 reboot I like it and am enjoying it. As you said though, it needs the wow moment


Agreed. The show is okay, but it does need that "Alan York is actually Kevin Caroll" moment for sure! Tough to be original though, after so many episodes of the later seasons already rehashing earlier seasons, albeit with their own little twists to add.
