Who else has seen it?
Thoughts, comments, feelings?
Loved it. This was practically a real movie. Everybody stepped up their game. The acting, the writing, the FX, the whole thing. I found the movie to be surprisingly emotional. This whole series was simply terrific. Wonderful and charming, funny and fun. This last entry was a bit more serious. They even got real horses to ride around! Very solid send off. And while this story wasn't breaking any new ground in the genre, it was very well executed.
shareI started to watch the first one, and the characters looked ridiculous. They were completely flat archetypes, like "Oh, look, I'm bad, look how bad I am! I even talk like very evil". And the main female character "I am lively and courageous, don't you see it? look how lively and courageous I am!".
Does it get any better?
No. These are basically fan films made by passionate genre lovers on a shoe string budget. You're either into that or you're not.
shareI don't care about budget (love low-budget horror flicks), and actually. production-wise, it seemed very nicely done. But bad character writing kill it for me.
Thanks, anyway! 😃
Characters are stock cliches. That's actually what I liked about it. It's about as close as you can get to just translating basic D&D straight to the screen.
shareI need some subtlety. Take Willow, for example. The characters are D&D stock cliches too, MacMartigan is the classic chaotic good fighter... but still, they don't need to make it clear in every line. They let the characters breathe.
shareIt’s awful. Too long, slow, boring and stupid. Other than that, it’s fine. Worst film of the series.