MovieChat Forums > Full Frontal with Samantha Bee (2016) Discussion > Oh, BOO HOO HOO. Poor widdle man babies...

Oh, BOO HOO HOO. Poor widdle man babies...

...can't stand the idea that ONE SHOW




is hosted by a woman, with a woman's viewpoint and a woman's humor.


Out of HOW MANY dozens of shows that have been hosted by men in the history of TV?

My gods, what a bunch of whiny, punkass little crybabies you are. You pee your pants in terror at the idea that ONE WOMAN might get a chance to air all the stuff we've been DYING TO SAY TO YOU FOR CENTURIES.

But you BIG STRONG MEN can't stand that. My GODS, how can you LIVE if you have to hear the slightest bit of criticism? Your poor poor fee-fees get SO HURT OMG.

You want hurt? Try being a WOMAN for ONE FREAKING DAY. Just ONE. You'd roll over like little dogs and cry yourselves to sleep, you sad little pussies. Clutching your tiny little balls and wailing about how IT'S NOT FAIR OMG that there be a SINGLE late night show devoted to women's issues.

Bunch o' candyass little cowards.


Imagine how f'ed up the world would be if everybody was as stupid as the original poster. Even most women are smarter than that.
