
so far, so good.


It's sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow.


yes it is. i’m on episode 4 and i wish there was more action and less relationship drama.


Is this whole season an origin story? I'm an ep behind ya.


yes, i think that is what it is.


show would be a lot tighter if they were 45 minute eps instead of an hour.


That's par for the course on Netflix shows.


Sure is. I don't think the Amazon shows are much different. Haven't watched any Hulu originals and what not but i'm sure the problem is the same.


I'm about 4 eps in and mostly I like it. I don't find it that slow and I get that the first half of the season is trying to let you get to know that characters a little.
There's always some action, it seems, in each episode.

It's not GOT...or TWD or Homeland or Breaking Bad or any of the shows I've tended to watch.
But, for me, that's exactly one reason I might like it. I like when bad things work out for a change and major characters don't drop like flies for a change.
I don't watch comedies much (except Barry..a black comedy) so I'm good with lighter fare.
I just wish Maureen didn't always push her weight around over John.


i think she was doing that because she was angry with him. hopefully in the second season they will work as a team.


I hope so..It's one of the main reasons some people are nit-picking it to death.
And, really, I don't like to see weakened men anymore than weakened women..


I agree, I generally like this so far. Ep. 3


I agree
