MovieChat Forums > The Witcher (2019) Discussion > Casting Director Admits To Using Her Job...

Casting Director Admits To Using Her Job To “Affect Change” In Viewers And Manipulate “Their Unconscious Bias"

Casting director Sophie Holland, who has worked on a number of big name genre projects including Netflix’s Wednesday, The Witcher, Shadow and Bone as well as Prime Video’s The Peripheral recently revealed how she uses her position to push her own political worldview.

During an interview as part of Jenelle Riley’s Acting Up newsletter that was subsequently published by Variety, Holland was first asked about which project confirmed she wanted to work in the field of casting.

As part of her answer, she said, “I think the first time I felt like a casting director was when I worked on something called The Kill Team by Dan Krauss, which was the story of American soldiers over in Afghanistan. It was the first time I understood that casting wasn’t just about finding beautiful people who could do the American accent convincingly, but that casting could have a real, profound impact on the people watching it.”


So she sabotaged the production to divulge in her own political interests?

I wouldn't employ this person again.


That's woke ideologues for you.


I've said it before and I will say it again. You can't trust a lefty to do ANYTHING.


Thankfully people are growing very tired of all this social engineering. Hope she's happy. She ruined a good show over her idiotic beliefs and probably cost Netflix millions.


All the bitch (and her fellow bitches) did was turn a lot of people off and alienate everyone who loved "The Witcher" franchise as well as Henry Cavill. She deserves everything she gets out of this F-up.
