How Did These Things Happen? i.e. Plot Holes & SPOILERS
1. Little Lisbeth not get returned to her father, or if they believed her tales of abuse, he not get arrested?
2. Big Lisbeth not suck it up and rescue her sister. Even if she resented Camilla "voluntarily" staying, didn't she still hate her father?
3. Red lights get into gas masks (latrine scene)?
4. Lisbeth escape from that latex cocoon? Or if she had a knife, not escape earlier?
5. The big evil spider guy not shoot Lisbeth on sight, since he left her for dead in her exploded, burnt apartment?
6. Lisbeth not kill the two evil guys who tried to kill her when they were incapacitated in the car on the bridge? Did she know she'd dodge all their bullets? Does she take orders from the spoiled, bratty kid?
7. The tall, dikey spy chick not foresee she was being played by Camilla (Red Girl)? Are civil servants in Sweden also promoted due to incompetence and skill at BJs?
8. Someone design a "secret" tracker inside a chess piece, then put a blinking LED at the bottom so anyone who sees it would know it's a tracker.
9. Someone design and place whatever devices created that 3-D, real-time, motion image of a huge mansion that showed recognizable images of all personnel inside it, plus targeting coordinates that a sniper could use, even through walls?
10. Needham get that suitcase arsenal through customs (he wasn't on official duty) and later get that .50 cal sniper rifle in an anti-gun country?
OK... I really know the answer: To keep the story moving and because they thought we wouldn't notice.
Did you see any holes I missed?