MovieChat Forums > Star Trek: Discovery (2017) Discussion > Would be a much better show if....

Would be a much better show if....

It wasn’t centered on one character. Regardless of the character Star Trek has always worked as an ensemble. The fact burnham is a horrible character doesn’t matter, even if she is worse than Wesley crusher. Having one character ground hog day the episode only to start his morning off by going to burnham every morning to tell her about the previous events was horrible. For all the Mary Sue stuff said about Star Wars, this Star Trek is horrible for it.

Not a bad show, but would benefit heavily from moving away from focusing just on burnham.


It would also be a much better show if it was just set in the future (post Nemesis) rather than being a prequel to TOS. The time period its situated in makes the deviations from canon distracting. If the show runners don't care about adhering to a cohesive continuity than I don't see why they didn't just set it in the future.


You are not wrong. I have no idea what the obsession is with making everything a prequel. Making it a sequel would have been the smart thing to do for so many reasons.


Yep. I have waited for post-2379 Star Trek for 16 years now.

Star Trek Online was a bit of an appetizer, especially with the rest of the Dominion fleet finally making their way out of the wormhole--that was darn cool, but Star Trek video games are not really canon, though if done right they certainly can be.


This is also my problem with the show.Star trek has always been an ensemble.This show focuses mainly on one character.And what makes it worse is that i'm neither a fan of the character or the actress playing her.


Yup. They couldn’t have gone more marmite if they tried. I can’t think of a single show she’s been on that I liked her. Just one of those actresses that makes your eyes role.


Agreed. It needs to follow the format of the previous Trek's, where it doesn't center on the same character each episode. Lets get to know the others without having Burnham injecting herself in every scene, aye?
