MovieChat Forums > Star Trek: Discovery (2017) Discussion > Things you hate about Discovery?

Things you hate about Discovery?

I can't find enough time to write all the insults to Star Trek fans; I can't believe people who aren't fans and no nothing about Star Trek got put in charge and think pretending to be fans will work.
1) The com badges were introduced in TNG. Did these people even go back to the original? Don't make it a prequel then!!!
2) The ship, the uniform, the holographic emitters, OMG did anyone even try to hide ripping off TNG??? Wtf!!!
3) Don't get me started on the Klingons!
4) The story. It might have worked if it was after TNG. This new space travel tech, the war, all the advanced screens, ship design, the com badges etc...
5) it just sucks; no humour...

It's not Star Trek. It's a poor rip off. The Orville is more Star Trek.


You make many good points.

1) Yes, as is known from TOS the lapel insignia were nonfunctional parts of the uniform.
2) The ship design technically show reflect the design aesthetic of TOS or at least the TOS movies. They are too eager to fit in with the design ideas of later shows and to "modernise" the technology - you can't simple forget about the progress of technological development in the show's narrative (I have feeling that they expect the audience to be largely made up of young people new to the show and who are less aware of its history, and thus just seek to dazzle them). I will say though that some latitude must given to updating the technology so that it is ahead of our current day real world technology. That only makes sense.
3) They are simply rejecting the history of the show again because it is convenient for them to "make their mark" by changing things. The moment where changes last occurred to the Klingons was in the 1980s which seemed necessary to make the Klingons seem genuinely alien, I think. Another revision is not necessary nor has it advanced their story.
4) I think it's possible that certain technologies were developed prior to TNG that weren't necessarily known to the Federation at large, but if successful such alternative ship drives would surely become the norm (or part of the norm) by the time of the TNG era? Yet we don't hear anything in either TOS or TNG about this technology.
5) There is humour in Discovery but it sort of competes with the crisis narrative which seems obligatory for the show.


This show would have been better received as happening after TNG.


Exactly! I don’t get it why it had to be a prequel.


Love this thread.. and yes... The Orville is the Star Trek we deserve.
Well Seth MacFarlane did want to do a new Star Trek series but instead they went with this shite.
At first I had faith when I heard Bryan Fuller was doing Discovery but so disappointed


Bryan Fuller only has success because of the material he gets. His movies are always below fan expectations. He makes as much money for the studios as if they would have given a monkey the director chair.


And all the Leftie Liberal PC Bullshit that is imbedded into this show, that's another thing I fucking hate about it.


I think you should be careful because big brother may find out you said bullshit and take away your kids.


They can come around to my place and take away my kids if they can find them! I don't have any. HAHAHAHAHAHA P.S. Fuck Big Brother


The Star Trek franchise since its inception has championed diversity and peace. Obviously that's completely incompatible with a would be Trumpster fed up with so called "politcial correctness". I suggest you stop watching and find solace in whatever is showcasing simple big shiny things and battles.


PMSL Trumpster! I'm not American, and I don't even live in that poxy country.


Don't forget all the SJW and PC bull that's riddled throughout Discovery!


I was going to say hate the fact that I can't see it without All Access but looking at some of these reviews maybe I got lucky.


No originality. Everything had a "done that, been there" feel to it.


Everything. There's a reason I call it "STD" or "SJW: The Next Generation." It's not Star Trek, it's a crime against everything that's true Star Trek. And after this mess, I'll never complain about "Enterprise" ever again. There's a reason I avoided this show. I didn't want it polluting my brain with ideas and images I would never be able to wipe from my mind ever again. Even my dad and brother, (who have lower standards of story quality for sci-fi tv than I do), said it was weapons-grade dog crap.

