New Klingongs suck? Like?

So they didn't stay true and created Klingongs that look different. What do hardcore fans think?


I am not a hardcore fan, but I did watch quite a lot o Star Trek. As it is on Netflix I am planning to binge watch everything Star Trek related,

I think I would like the Klingons if they were some new race or if it was set like 500 years in the future and it was explained that they evolved or mutated or something. I really like the set design and think it is even better than in the TNG, and even the new Klingons do look better in a way but still I don't like it that they changed them so drastically. They could have at least leave them with the hair, to have a more Klingon look. I just can't get used to it that those are the Klingons, or at least the Klingons in the same universe. It feels again like some alternate universe.


Yes, the lack of continuity just makes it a hack job. All CBS cares about is catching up to Netflix and with talentless lack of vision office executives who don't even like Star Trek called the shots, it's not surprising they are putting out crap like this.


I think these Klingons are ridiculous. They look nothing like the Klingons we know and love. They sound like they're retarded and they don't enjoy life, which Klingons normally do.


If I was a Klingon cosplayer, and this crap somehow stuck, I'd be so pissed. People like George know the value of fans and attending conventions but with Nimoy gone and Will soon to follow the days of Star Trek and conventions is numbered. The new guys don't respect it. Quinto had to go to one in my city to promote the second movie and he was asked a cosplay question and asked to be explained what that was? He never heard of that.
