He is definitely not my cup of tea
I actually loved the first two Saw movies and the first Insidious
But The Conjuring, IMO, has not a single ounce of originality to it. It's just a very straightforward haunted house movie, which we've seen too many times before already. Decades after the first Poltergeist and Amityville horror we're still getting these extremely similar stories
I feel like there's something very cynical about why these movies are still being made in such large numbers.
A) They're super cheap to make. Just get an old looking house and some make up for the ghosts. The soundeffects, like the banging walls and the creaking doors, I mean come on. A group of student filmmakers could pull that stuff off.
B) People love them. General audiences really like these ghost stories for some reason. I guess they assume they could actually be real and that's where the source of horror comes from for the, because I don't find these movies scary at all. They're usually dull and move at a very slow pace. But they always make tons of money
So you get very high profit margins and a very low risk of losing money because they're so cheap. Blumhouse has perfected these low budget horrors, and these haunted house movies are their specialty.
I guess for some real horror fans it might be appealing. I admit they are competently made, with good cinematography and all that. But I just find them so dreadfully boring.
And because of him we're getting copycats that AREN'T competently made, like the Oujia movies, the Poltergeist remake, and the new Amityville movie, which I haven't even seen but is no doubt a shameless cash grab