MovieChat Forums > Togo (2019) Discussion > Removed from Disney+

Removed from Disney+

I wanted to watch Togo again but it had disappeared from Disney+ and as far as I know it was not released on dvd. Now I can't even rent it digitally anywhere. Wtf.


Chinese pirates might be able to help you.

Ebay usually has some listings that look totally legit, wink, wink.

Wait, was I supposed to say the wink, wink part out loud?


I saw those on ebay a while back, but I don't really want to buy pirated dvd's.


You could always watch this until Disney gets their heads out of their ass:


Lol, that's definitely the next best thing.


I thought maybe I had fallen and had a concussion when I started to watch that.

And its got almost two million views - two million people who got disappointed : )


Disappointed at first and then pleasantly surprised I imagine.

Btw, about piracy, recently I wanted to watch The Way Back (Peter Weir movie) and after googling to rent it I saw that it was on dailymotion, so I watched it for free. How exactly does that work? How come some movies are there for free.

I tried searching for other interesting movies on dailymotion and I found I Spit On Your Grave (remake) but that was dubbed in german, so obviously that was unwatchable.


Never used dailymotion, I assume they worked out some licensing agreement like tubi or other free streaming services.


Yeah, I guess that explains it.


That's too bad. That was a good movie.


Yeah, one of my favourite movies from Willem Dafoe, who is also one of my favourite actors.
