most forgettable MCU film to date
i knew it
shareCan you really call a movie 'forgettable' after having just seen it? I mean, how do you know you won't remember it when you haven't had time to forget it yet? Are you just lying? Nobody likes a liar, you know. Why would you do that? Do you have something against Marvel...or even Paul Rudd himself? Paul Rudd seems very likable and completely undeserving of your hatred. What, is he TOO likable?
Come to think of it, that's exactly what it is, isn't it? He's annoying as hell in his likability, you're absolutely right and I apologize. Fuck that guy, his movies are forgettable.
I think it was Iron Man II, the one with all the suits operating on their own? I watched that movie a few months back, unsure of whether I'd seen it before...and finally remembered that I had during the scene where War Machine and Iron man were standing back to back in the woods, surrounded by enemies. At the end of the damn movie. Now that's some seriously forgettable cinema right there, where you can watch the whole movie before you remember.
Sadly, you are right. I won't be seeing this on the big screen. The lack of a villain and the contrived story was so dull! I liked all the characters though, good chemistry. But please, PLEASE get some better writers and stop the exaggeration of successful character traits!
shareThe lack of a villain worked for me in this case. Michelle Piefer was great casting.
shareMmmm I wouldn't say 'forgettable' just a nice filler between Avengers, Iron Man, and Captain America movies.
shareI liked it. It was a nice standalone movie, a palate cleanser after Infinity War.
shareYep....its really forgettable unless your a 6 year old mentally handicapped kid..then maybe you like it and remember it.