So Boring....

Wow, can't believe I wasted so much time watching this bore.

What was the point of this movie?


Wow I can't believe that you didn't cry three times as I did watching this beautiful feature film. :)
I felt totally for the charachters, the spirit(s),de loneliness, the resignaton to decadence, the desire to be alive forever and to exist to oneself.
Creepy? Oh yeaaaa, extremely, the telephone was a jumpscare but the first whisper with the flowers omg I startled so much that I got a cramp. Slow yes of course... painfully slow but that was also a part of direction's intention, capture the tragedy of life and impossibility to live and its slowiness and the crave and desire for living. Omg this was a masterpiece...


I liked the film for its atmosphere and its ghost story. Eerie like The innocents with Deborah Kerr. I would recommend it but would warn it can be quite slow.
