So Boring....

Wow, can't believe I wasted so much time watching this bore.

What was the point of this movie?


I think it's possibly explained in the narration at the end:

"I have heard myself say, that a house with a death in it can never again be bought or sold by the living, it can only be borrowed from its ghosts. And so it is. The house that stands at the end of Teacup Road, near the town of Braintree, Massachusetts. You may borrow it from me. Because the memory of a death is a thing that stays, pressed deeply in place like type on paper. Even after it has been covered up with nothing left to see. And still I think I'll stay for one more look at her. This is how I let myself rot. The pretty thing you are looking at is me."

To me it means all things of history are the forgotten lives of those who have died... within the ground, the walls, are their memories, once so meaningful to them, so pretty so hopeful... and when we look at them, we bring them back to life to get another look at the world through us.

I found the movie quite beautiful.

👣 Web


I didn't.

I found it quite disappointing.


That's fine, I tend to be a rather unusual person whose opinions differ from most around me :) It's okay... it keeps things interesting.

👣 Web


It had some great style and atmosphere, but for me the story fell flat. I didn't particularly find myself caring much about the hospice nurse since the story never really explained much about her. I also felt detached from "Polly" since again, the movie hardly mentions anything substantial about her either.....I dunno it just didn't grab me or scare me at all.


Could you recommend some movies that did scare you a bit?


Oof I like a lot of horror / thrillers, and I think it's pretty subjective. For the classics I always love watching "The Shining" and "The Omen". When I was younger "The Exorcist" scared the hell out of me. More recent stuff I found genuinely creepy would include: "The Conjuring 1 & 2" "Insidious" "Lights Out" "It Follows" "The Babbadook" "The Woman in Black""The Orphanage" and a few others I can't recall, I've seen many. :)


Nice picks. Lights out surprised me I had low expectations but it's good, def recommend it for some stimulation after this boring ass movie.


Thanks! I've seen all those and loved them with the exception of LIGHTS OUT. It fell apart pretty early for me, but I liked that the filmmakers tried to go old school with it. Recent horror films that startled the crap out of me were WE ARE STILL HERE (great tale set in the winter/snow) and THE NEON DEMON, which wasn't "scary," but was disturbing for reasons I am still sorting. I can't decide if the latter is some misogynistic male gaze fetishism and/or if it actually has something new to say about beauty aesthetics, power, and women's relationships. I did like the occult imagery throughout. Also, if PRETTY THING was boring to you, by all means stay far away from THE ALCHEMIST COOKBOOK, a weird punk horror film that has grown on me. Enough to watch it twice just to be sure. I liked it, but again, its pacing and sparse (well-acted) cast would probably not be ideal for you.


I can explain The Neon Demon to you... But you may not like it!! Disturbing to say the least. It's Refn doing Kubrick and exactly what I expected


I'm interested in your interpretation of the film. I recently saw Tom Ford's (non-horror genre) NOCTURNAL ANIMALS and found myself thinking about THE NEON DEON again.


Rosemary's Baby is a classic for this type of atmospheric horror, and it's more engaging, in my opinion. It's my favorite movie of all time. Not really scary as much as unsettling. Rose Red, the Stephen King miniseries is also really fun, albeit not as "literary" -- if you don't mind it being a little silly, it makes for a super-enjoyable evening!


I am the same, but this really didn't do it for me. Superb acting, flawless cinematography - boring as *beep* I was just waiting for something to happen. And then it was over. Massive Ruth Wilson fan so she kept me watching, but ultimately disappointing. For me anyway...


I found this movie extremely creepy and interesting and have also recommended it to a few of my friends.


The end? They repeated that stupid line 3 times in the movie... Beginning, middle and end, as if it was some amazing line. This was terrible.


While I found this beyond slow moving (to the point of painful), and the tiringly slow way she spoke (so kill me, I am a New Yorker, although I have lived in the west, midwest and south so no stranger to slow), I can appreciate your view. As you have described, this movie should should not have been classified by Netflix as it was. It would be a genre more akin to philosophy, or "other". Sort of Shakespearian in it's poetry and hidden depth. I hadn't thought about it like that. I would still have found this boring, even if I was looking at it the way you have described. I just cannot deal with molasses on a cold, below zero temperature day, even for that.

I do not enjoy jump scare movies, and did not have that expectation when I tuned in. I was interested in the genre, but based on how Netflix classified this, it was a ripoff, and "packaged" to make it attractive, which was deceptive.

I felt as I did when I went to the theater in the 1970's to see Hellstrom's Chronicles. It was described in a way that sounded like an interesting science fiction. All it turned out to be was a documentary on insects. It was not a movie at all. But had they said what it was, then it would not have gotten the turnout that they needed to make $$$.

I personally didn't see that deep of a message in it. It is quite possible the author and director was not really trying to say anything at all. Anyway, I would be interested to understand what he had in mind writing this and directing it in this nauseatingly slow manner.


The movie WAS beautiful... Reminding me of a Victoria Holt novel, but even Holt gave us a reason for original sins having happened in the first place. Not knowing why the groom murdered his bride (Polly) is very irritating.


I agree. The movie was SO beautiful, like I wanted to be in that house but that is the only thing I liked about this film. There was absolutely no explanation for anything. Don't get me wrong, I like having to think about plots and clues, but this movie gives you NOTHING to hold on to or even think about. It went nowhere. We didn't know anything about why the bride was killed and nothing about the author herself. It was hard to pay attention and when I did listen to the narration I just didn't know how it connected to the story other than just reading excerpts of the novel to seem poetic.

They didn't even do well with the atmosphere and being creepy. And the nurse, I'm surprised at how slow and mousy she was for her job. It was hard just looking at her "working" and being so hesitant for no reason. I'm so disappointed with this film. It had so much potential to be a creepy, gothic tale and it had nothing and gave us nothing. It's very rare I feel this way about a movie, the only other one I can think of that got me so annoyed and bored was Yellow Brick Road.


^^^This. I would have so enjoyed knowing at least a hint of why he killed her. Was it personal or was she a victim of a serial killer/hunter's own agenda? Did he find out something he deemed intolerable about her and decided to take matters into his own hands? What were the town theories about the disappearance? It seemed like the storytelling ended just as it was starting to get interesting.



I'm 10 minutes from that road... The Mythology around here is plain and simply "Old." Such an odd juxtaposition of one of the most densely populated areas in the Country, yet full of Houses that have existed for centuries. Yes, most, if not all have been completely renovated... But it's STILL the Plot. Same acres, same memories etc


Can I sue someone for false advertising? That wasn't a thriller. Michael Jackson's "Thriller" was a thriller. This was 90 minutes of my life that I could have been doing something useful, like replacing all the light bulbs in the neighborhood or chasing squirrels in the yard and taking their nuts. Ya know, cause they're my nuts. Damn squirrels in my yard stealing my nuts that grow on my trees. Stop it squirrels! Those are my nuts!

I am the pretty thing that steals your nuts

See, already a better movie! :)


lol @coche5e

Good post. This movie was awful in my opinion. I had high hopes because Netflix had it rated highly and for that to happen with a horror movie I thought for sure it would be great but I fell asleep the first time I watched it and the second time I was thinking about how else I'd rather spend my time.


I am the pretty thing that steals your nuts

See, already a better movie! :)
Would watch.

"I know this ain't gonna sound good, but I just shot two people."


I didn't feel like this movie wasted my life, I enjoyed it very much because although the pacing was so slow you could hardly see it moving, the photography was beautiful, it had a great atmosphere and kept my husband and I interested, but the ending was a little disappointing, it had no punch. I love slow movies with a punch.


Mind-numbing atrociously dull!

Libera te tu temet ex inferis.
pro ego sum diabolus, pro ego sum nex.


Agreed, this was hot garbage and pointless. Anyone that says otherwise is either lying or a pretentious hipster that likes it because of how much the mainstreamers would hate it.


The ghost effect was cool looking and I liked some of the monologue from Lily, but almost nothing else happens. It's so slow and there's so little substance that it's mind numbing.


I agree. I ended up paying more attention browsing on my phone then the movie, and even when I thought I missed something and rewinded it, I would realize I hadn't. I'm not even into the kind of movies that barrage you with jump scares or characters who react more than think.
This felt like it should have been a a fifteen minute short film, if that, but they had so many pretty shots that they decided to leave it long and add some boring narration over top. I would have been far more invested in the story if I got to know the characters better. I have a hard time caring or enjoying a story if its show from an observative pov. Like reading White Fang. Its very detatched from whats happening and how people are feeling in that moment.


It had potential. It didn't live up to that potential at all.

I mean, the opening? I looked at the time and it was 4 minutes in and there was still narration going on.

And finally, when something happened (the nurse sees the ghost), what happens is atrocious. The nurse screams for about a minute in one of the worst performances of being scared I've ever seen (okay, she's clearly no Vera Clouzot in Diabolique, and I know that's an extremely high bar, but come on, this was just bad) and cut. After that it's another 10-odd minutes of nothing.


Have to disagree with you on the death. Her heart stopped and she was unable to keep breathing. Wilson did an excellent job of expiring.

I've watched a brain dead person have their respirator turned off and then slowly die.

Ruth did it well, if a bit too quickly.

Criticism of religion is not racism...
