It sucks

If you liked Blue Ruin and Green Room you're setting yourself up for disappointment with this one.


I have to admit, Jeremy Saulnier's films seem to be getting progressively worse.

I liked Blue Ruin more than Green Room, and I liked both of those films more than Hold the Dark.

Fuck the trailers, BTW. They make it out like this film has something to do with wolves. This film really has nothing to do with wolves.


I haven't seen Blue Ruin, but I can confirm that his directorial debut, Halloween Party, was much better than Green Room and this weird movie

Halloween Party was very funny and clever, that's why it surprises me that Green Room and Hold the Dark were so serious and dour


I've heard of Halloween Party but not seen it. I'll have to check it out.

Blue Ruin is a really good low-budget indie. You should give it a look. But warning: It also pretty serious and dour.


I'll have to check that out

I don't mind grimdark atmospheres because I love violent adult dramas, but I just think it's weird that guys (Saulnier and Blair) that seemed to really shine when writing humor have completely avoided that in their last couple of movies

I still didn't hate Green Room, or even this movie. This movie was visually beautiful and had a good score. It was just missing a coherent story and likable characters. It felt more like a proof of concept or practice run for Saulnier's upcoming work on True Detective than an actual movie


Yeah, I dunno man. I was looking forward to Hold the Dark because I like Jeffrey Wright and have always been fascinated by wolves, but the film was a pretty big disappointment.

If I was to rate his films, I'd go:

Blue Ruin: 8
Green Room: 7
Hold the Dark: 5

I think the quality of the his next project or two will have a big impact on his career. It's time to prove if he really can continue to make genuinely good films on a consistent basis.


Yeah, I was looking forward to it because of the director and the cast, even though I knew beforehand that Netflix movies tend to suck ass

I enjoyed certain moments of the film, but overall it was a huge mess. It was kind of like a knock-off No Country For Old Men, with Skarsgard playing the knock-off Chigurh and Wright playing the knock-off Tommy Lee Jones

I knew nothing about the story going in, and early on I was hoping that this was going to turn out to be an edgy werewolf movie. That would have been awesome compared to what we got, which was just a nonsense collection of death scenes


Film has no concept or plot. Waiting for an 'ahh' moment in this film is like waiting for an answer to the existence of aliens.


At the end I said to myself, "Tell me too!"

I kept thinking I was missing something, but I have a feeling there was nothing to miss.


Sad to hear this.


I had no problem understanding it. I thought it was good.


the ending left me wondering if i liked it. up to that point i did. kinda gnarly


I feel the same way. The ending was dissapointing. It was pretty good before that, although a little slow at times. I feel like this had glimpses of greatness but something was missing.

Kind of frustrating. I was really looking forward to this because I loved Blue Ruin and Green Room.


I liked it, although I didn't know what the hell it was about.


Blue Ruin - great
Green Room - ok
Hold the Dark - WTF was that?


This was just bad. I saw it last night because it looked promising and had some known stars but boy, was I let down. Is everyone in that Alaskan town just crazy? The story makes 0 sense. How was the Mrs. Sloan sparing her child and from what... two twisted as hell parents?!?
