MovieChat Forums > Godzilla vs. Kong (2021) Discussion > Hollywood's modern giant monster movie t...

Hollywood's modern giant monster movie track record

King Kong 2005 remake - too long and over CGIed, the 1976 remake with practical effects and a "modern" setting was much more fun

Godzilla 2014 remake - Went downhill after Bryan Cranston died and Godzilla had like 20 mins screentime in his own movie. Should have been called "MUTOs, with a cameo appearance from Special Guest Star, Godzilla)

Godzilla: King of the Monsters - Bland and too darkly lit, the most interesting thing was the girl from Stranger Things was in it

Kong: Skull Island - Haven't seen

So based on Hollywood's track record so far, I'm in no hurry to see Godzilla vs. Kong. I'd check out a Japanese-made movie though, they seem to get this stuff right. A couple of exceptions:

Rampage - FUN! The parody is better than the real thing, and gets the point of that kind of story. Kinda like Orville vs. Star Trek Discovery

Pacific Rim - Badass! Very clever, too. Too bad the second one sucked and Hollywood turned it into a generic action "franchise".


You should watch Kong: Skull Island, it’s really fun and way more entertaining than the other two Godzilla Monsterverse films. I really liked Godzilla vs. Kong as well, it delivered pretty much everything I wanted.


King Kong by Peter Jackson is only second to the 1933 original. Nothing wrong with 3 hour movies.
The 1976 remake is a fucking joke, 5.9 rating. All the Monsterverse reboots are 6.x rating.


The 2014 Godzilla is head and shoulders above anything else on this list. It's a great movie, period, not just a great giant monster movie.

The 2005 King Kong was awful. The 1976 remake was okay, but doesn't come close to the 1933 original.

Godzilla King of the Monsters gets an A+ for the monsters and their battles. Ghidorah was incredible, and him dodging Godzilla's breath is one of the greatest moments in any kaiju film. Overall the film was a bit lackluster, but that's about on par for a Godzilla film. None of the Japanese Godzilla films had much on the way of plot, or scientific accuracy, but you don't really care. You're there to see monsters fight, and the monsters in this one were breathtaking.

Godzilla vs. Kong is about the same as King of the Monsters. Amazing fights-- even better than KotM-- alongside a forgettable plot and ridiculous science.

Kong: Skull Island was a fun variation on the King Kong story, and something I'd like to someday watch a second time.

Pacific Rim was terrible. Poorly conceived monster fights that were Michael Bay level of incoherent, coupled with a bunch of monsters that all look alike fighting a bunch of robots that all look the same. It was a brilliant premise that was utterly wasted.

Rampage-- didn't see it. Why would anyone bother? zzzz


1998 Godzilla - Not really godzilla but fun movie with good action and shows the monster properly and the human story part is decent.

2005 King Kong - too long and boring - little action and boring human part of the story.

2013 Pacific Rim - pure cgi monster fest, bland fights and boring human part of the story

2014 Godzilla - better story which could have been more fun and brighter as it was to hazy and dark,

2017 Kong: Skull Island - decent monsters fights and decent human story - o.k

2018 Rampage - same as godzilla 98 fun movie with good action and shows the monsters properly and human story is decent.

2013 Pacific Rim: Uprising - pure cgi monster fest, bland fights and boring humans story - alot worser then the first.

2019 Godzilla: King of the Monsters - same hazy footage s first footage and alot of cgi, and overall boring, especially the human parts.

2021 Godzilla vs. Kong - long and boring, little fights and human parts is ridiculous.

Shows the 2 good movies are the ones that are fun, bright and funny and not really serious in nature.


Kong 2005: B+
Zilla 2014: A-
Kong SI: B
KotM: D+
GvK: C


Have not seem Rampage nor PR2
