Hollywood's modern giant monster movie track record
King Kong 2005 remake - too long and over CGIed, the 1976 remake with practical effects and a "modern" setting was much more fun
Godzilla 2014 remake - Went downhill after Bryan Cranston died and Godzilla had like 20 mins screentime in his own movie. Should have been called "MUTOs, with a cameo appearance from Special Guest Star, Godzilla)
Godzilla: King of the Monsters - Bland and too darkly lit, the most interesting thing was the girl from Stranger Things was in it
Kong: Skull Island - Haven't seen
So based on Hollywood's track record so far, I'm in no hurry to see Godzilla vs. Kong. I'd check out a Japanese-made movie though, they seem to get this stuff right. A couple of exceptions:
Rampage - FUN! The parody is better than the real thing, and gets the point of that kind of story. Kinda like Orville vs. Star Trek Discovery
Pacific Rim - Badass! Very clever, too. Too bad the second one sucked and Hollywood turned it into a generic action "franchise".