Yeah, I really liked the scene at the beginning where the soldiers hear a plane about to swoop down on them before they even see it, and they all duck down in formation, since they're trapped on the bridge. That was an incredible (and suspenseful as hell) scene right there. It's definitely different from the usual "rah,rah,rah" war film in the sense that they aren't fighting a straight-up battle----they're simply trying to get off the beach in one piece before the Germans come and get them, and they don't have a lot of time to do that. It has some of the usual tropes of a war film, but then again, it dosen't---that's what makes it unique. I also liked the fact that it was shot on film, which explained why it looked slightly different. I especially liked the our-of-focus scene near the end---I was trying to recall when was the last time I'd actually seem such a shot in the film. I always liked the fact that it didn't rely on a whole lot of CGI for the actual battle scenes, and I liked how weird and suspenseful the music was.