How can she swim?

So... If she's never been outside her house and is allergic to EVERYTHING, then how can she swim? (In the trailer, it shows the girl jumping off a cliff into the ocean?)


Maybe it happens in her dream?


No, she definitely swims in the movie. To me this whole thing was just a nice romance involving 20-somethings that you weren't supposed to think about too much. The whole second half of the film is kinda ridiculous but if you're into the main couple, then it kinda works anyway.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-


You've already seen it? So how can she swim?


It's based on a book, so possibly some people have info that comes from reading the source material.


No, I saw the movie. It came out in the U.S on May 19. There's the second half of the movie where her and the guy go on vacation in Hawaii and it's kinda where the film loses all sense of realism and you just go with the romantic angle or you don't.


Swimming is like riding a bike. You never forget how once you've learned. Maybe she learned to swim before she became housebound.
