I had to shut this off. There were just so many problems with it. For 1, the music is so loud in the beginning it is hard to understand what the characters are even saying. 2, a lot of the acting/writing seems forced. Especially when we are introduced to Vivian and Bill's characters. 3, The alternating timelines are frustrating and only for the purpose of catering to audiences who would have been angry had there not been more than one episode recreated. I believe there are 4 timelines that alternate back and forth throughout the movie. 4, Why weren't the episodes filmed to look like actual episodes? Instead, they are captured in crystal clear high res with what seems to be just a black and white filter put over the top. Also, why not use the actual laugh track from I Love Lucy instead of inventing a new one? fans of the original show will catch this right away. Had to stop watching after about 25min.

Bardem's mannerisms were good.


I assume its not a comedy. Like that bel-air movie created by will smith isn't a comedy.


I totally disagree. Boring is the last thing anyone could say about this movie. Perhaps superhero movies or movies with explosions are more your cup of tea. It was about the behind the scenes interactions of I Love Lucy, which I grew up with and knew. And for us fans, this was a treat. Nicole Kidman was perfect as Lucy.


It's not the last thing anyone would say because I already said it. My family and I are very serious fans of the show. Multiple visits to Jamestown, books, every episode and more. My grandfather actually went to school with her. Your assumptions about who I am and who a fan is are incorrect.


It doesn't matter that your gp knew Lucy. You still probably like action movies. Can you name a drama that you like?

Or maybe you were expecting a two hour episode of I LOVE LUCY and were disappointed there were no prat falls and slapstick like the show.


The parts where they tried to emulate the original show completely fell flat. The scenes just weren't funny. Going back to my original comment. I'll ask again: Why did they shoot the black and white scenes to look like modern day with a filter put over them. I wasn't expecting a 2hr long I Love Lucy. That just wouldn't have made any sense. Do you really think people were expecting that?

It's funny you mention drama movies. This list of IMDB's best dramas will show you that very few of them don't contain action or crime. You're kind of an idiot dude.


I asked for dramas you liked, not a random list of dramas. So I was right. You like action, and/or you wanted the film to be an episode of I LOVE LUCY. That's not what it was. It was a behind the scenes look at the production of the show, not a reboot of the show itself. Nicole and Javier were not Lucy and Ricky. They were Desi and Lucille.

You're the idiot, since you only like action movies and slapstick comedy.


lol cringe


That's your response?


That's all he says when he loses an argument.


Lol you guys are morons. I clearly explained myself and what was wrong with the movie. The dude made assumptions about me that were incorrect and he insists that I think Being The Ricardos is meant to be a recreation of ILL. Clearly the listening element of his "argument" is just not there.


You were unable to list any dramas that you liked. Until you do, my guess that you're mostly into action movies stands.

As for not expecting a recreation of ILL, all you pointed out was that the quality of the recreations were inaccurate. So to me that suggests that's all you were interested in, though that's just 5% of the movie. Since that's the part you focused on, then I can only assume you were indeed expecting a movie version of the TV show.


"all you pointed out was that the quality of the recreations were inaccurate" - Angelthman

"1, the music is so loud in the beginning it is hard to understand what the characters are even saying. 2, a lot of the acting/writing seems forced. Especially when we are introduced to Vivian and Bill's characters. 3, The alternating timelines are frustrating and only for the purpose of catering to audiences who would have been angry had there not been more than one episode recreated. I believe there are 4 timelines that alternate back and forth throughout the movie." - me


Please name a drama you've liked.


Hate to bring it to you but you lost here, dude.


There needs to be a better comeback than,

"oh you must just be into action movies" when someone doesn't like a drama or other kind of genre.

This movie was boring.
I watched it until the end and there was nothing interesting in how they portrayed their lives or the events that took place.

I will agree, Nicole Kidman was brilliant.


The 'you must like movies with explosions' line is old (and I'm guilty of using it), but there's some truth to it.


Someone I know, I believe she is even Cuban, said it was worthless.


What ever Aaron Arkin thought was going to be interesting about this period in their lives just wasn't..

But I will never dismiss the acting.
They all did a good job.


Ya, I cut bait after 30 minutes.


No one expected anything else from you, FilmBoy. Don't worry about it. Are you excited about that Moonfall movie? Have fun, ok?


I don't know how you can say you love the show and are bored with the movie. Was it great? No, but as a fan of the show it kept my interest throughout. I especially liked seeing all the actors interact with each other when they weren't on set. Whether it was the truth or not, I still found it interesting.


The pacing/delivery of the dialogue felt very forced to fit a modern representation of those days rather than an accurate one. Almost like a Criminal Minds or other crime show for lack of a better example.


As I said, I know it isn't a great movie, but I am a fan and I still liked it. Not saying what you said is inaccurate. The writing could have been better for sure.


I agree and also consider both lead actors to be miscast... amazed that they were both nominated for this trash movie.

If Aaron Sorkin hadn't been attached I would have even attempted watching it.

I ended up doing so, but was not paying attention after the first 30-45 minutes... had it like playing in the background and paying attention every once in a while... boring af.

And I was a fan of the show and love behind the scenes kinda stuff... loved Studio 60.
