Why did they cast a 65 year old woman as an action lead?
Is that accurate to the games or something? Even so, why?
shareIs that accurate to the games or something? Even so, why?
shareTo teach us that geriatric grannies can kick the asses of 6 foot, 200 pound, 30 year old white men just as proficiently as their 25 year old, 98 pound daughters can.
shareNo, it's not accurate. The women in the games were in their 20s-30s and hot, while Mad Moxxi is older than she looks yet somehow managed to stay hot. But we can't have nice things anymore.
I like Cate Blanchett and Jamie Lee Curtis, but they're old and past their prime, and even then, a movie like this is not for them.
Again ... great actresses!
shareA lot of poor casting choices in this. Kevin Hart is supposed to be the military badass? Come on..
shareshe's not 65
i'd like to watch Monica Bellucci as action lead
Sadly she looked it, at least in this role, with caked-on makeup and a plastic face. Utterly baffling. Can we not have attractive female leads?
shareattractive female leads are all over the place. i've watched a zillion this year
but yeah she was not looking her best in here in borderlands.. actually distracting