MovieChat Forums > Taskmaster (2018) Discussion > Season 18 last episode

Season 18 last episode

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In the counting task they had to avoid saying a number so as not to make a bad guess of how many chairs were in the auditorium.

Andy actually says the word "one" as a throwaway comment ("eagles are nice" "yeah but I couldn't eat a whole one") wasn't picked up and Andy got an extra 3 points because of it.

Did it matter? Yes it did. Given he beat jack by three points. But it's all good fun


Just keeping in the pedantic spirit of the extended Horneiverse, the use of the word "one" in that context would make it a pronoun, and not the noun/number definition. Yes, I actually looked it up. :D

Currently rewatching the NZ S04 as they drop on YT, but that wasn't a particularly exceptional season/series for me. Love Paul Williams, though.
