MovieChat Forums > Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018) Discussion > How do Solo and TLJ have better reviews ...

How do Solo and TLJ have better reviews than this?

When Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom is by not stretch of the imagination a perfect film, I still loved it and had a great time. I'm a lifelong Jurassic Park fan and its my favorite franchise next the The Lord of the Rings. Sure it has some strange decisions and I could tell you lots of stuff I didn't like about it, but it didn't kill the Jurassic lore, nor did it render the achievements and progression of the old movies moot. It was well directed, had incredible scenes (the intro sequence, brachisaurus scene, gyrosphere in water scene, the Indoraptor stuff) better characters than the first JW, a return of Jeff f*cking Goldblum (even though his rol was minor), Great soundtrack and interesting story taking the franchise in new directions.

Sure you could dislike this movie, but the hate Solo and TLJ got is unprecedented. The worst things I hear about JW FK is just that people didn't like it. Nobody is turned off by the franchise and I even saw people saying they disliked FK but are still interested in where JW3 will go.

So how in hell does this film get destroyed by critics, but abominations like TLJ get praised? Even Solo, the blandest film I have seen in f*cking YEARS has better reviews.


This is a dumb rehash of the previous mistakes made by both the good guys: returning to the island, trying to get dinosaurs off the island , and a hybrid dinosaur
And the second part of the movie is a haunted house movie


Still doesn't answer my question. TLJ and TFA were both rehashes of previous movies in the franchise and did NOTHING new to the story whatsoever. Those movies are even more rehashes than this one is. Still they get rated waayyyyy better.

And Solo for me is the blandest movie of all time, hell even the colors in the movie were bland and greyish.


I agree. Even though I liked TLJ and thought Solo was ok.
Both JW2 and Solo deserve medium to good ratings. 7 out 10.

But JW2 added a lot more to it's franchise than Solo did to his.


Solo was just soooo bland. JW FK does NOT deserve these poor ratings. You may not like the movie but you cannot deny the quality of it. There is a difference between a bad movie or a movie that's just not your taste.


Well, first off it seems that the general audience and the fans of their perspective franchise have been more receptive to this than solo and TLJ while critics have favored them. The critics were also under SJW pressure to give TLJ a good review upon release.

I believe this to be because critics look at much different things when reviewing a movie such as pacing and other technical details that go into making a movie. TLJ and Solo technically speaking were probably better made than JW:FK but those movies also infuriated their fan base.

Personally I enjoyed JW:FK more than SOLO and I absolutely hated TLJ so I can't even compare.

I'll also would say that JW:FK looks to have a 50/50 split going where 50 really like it and 50 do not. So a 50% rating on RT in this particular case may not be a sign of a bad movie per-say just one that appeals to some and not to others. I can see where people would be put off by JW:FK since it is much different than the others in it's franchise.


they should have equal reviews, none are great


Every summer has a movie like this nowadays: a sequel to a long running genre franchise which the critics decide that it's run its course.
So they just pile on and cream the hell out of it. Even if it's perfectly harmless as blockbusters go.
Last year it was Pirates 5.


I thought Pirates 5 was unbearable. Thank goodness I waited to see it on Netflix. You are first person I've seen say anything positive about Pirates 5.


I found it average but watchable. I generally don't pile on movies like that.


Pirates 5 was pure shit. Even Pirates 4 was better than that..
