Thanks man, I will check it out. I love myself a good conspiracy.
Just hard to believe stuff like this can operate in secret for so long
shareWatched enough to know it's a moronic everything-is-connected conspiracy theory without any grounding in reality. Luckily there's an ignore function on the site, so bump it 'til you're blue in the face. No one cares. :)
You have to love these people who watch YouTube videos and swallow everything they are told about conspiracies like this, fail to examine the facts and evidence and never question what is put in front of them.. and yet claim people who dont get taken in by this stuff the same as they did are the ones who are burying their heads in the sand.
Does this person seriously think by posting every day people will actually take notice?
The only thing they will succeed in is making themselves look like a crank.
Question everything.
Do me a favor, susbscribe to 'The Economist' read it front to back for one year.
Don't worry if some of it is above your head, (some of it is above mine and I am a educated man) stick with it. It is the best magazine for explaining the current state of the world and how it functions.
Created in 1843 it's goal is to
Take part in 'a severe contest between intelligence, which pressed forward, and an unworthy,timid ignorance obstructing our progress'
There are a lot of silver tounged 'obstructors' on YouTube.
I can’t but I subscribe to Jimmy Dore, Jimmy knows his shit also
shareI read that you are from Africa. This magazine is banned in many autocratic nations.
If you are keen on how the political system in the USA works, get your hands on Lyndon Johnson "Master of the Senate" by Robert Caro
After reading it, you will have more knowledge of how the USAs democracy works than 95% of Americans!
Wow, I am impressed that someone not only knows Robert Caro (who wrote The Power Broker) but is recommending him.
Thank you for being one of the sane ones who's actually recommending scholars to read, instead of a YouTuber or a crackpot with a blog.
Have you ever read A Brief History of Neoliberalism by David Harvey? It's a tough read (very academic). However, it explains more than anyone else what has been going on in the world for the past 40 years. It's criminal how so few people talk about or cite this book.
Thanks I will look into it.
shareWow thanks, I will look it up immediately
Your thoughts on Sandy Hook? There was a guy named Wolfgang Halbig seriously investigating this from 2014 onward and going for physical documents and stuff, haven't heard from him in ages. He always said if he was wrong he would check himself into a mental hospital.
Agreed. To simply follow an official narrative because they can do no wrong and would never lie to us is foolish. Questions should never be censored or banned, and that's exactly what has happened on all social media in the last few years.
My thoughts on this movie, I liked the setup and the first half.
WW2 bankrolling by rich folks was very well laid out. First time I had this side of the angle especially about Auschwits (sp) and Hitler.
JFK assassination was also presented very thoughtfully right up to the people involved and the extent of the cover up.
Unfortunately it falls apart for me with the 911 stuff as I have seen better arguments elsewhere but it still has too much conspiracy theories included instead of fact based like the 1st half of this movie.
Well done anyway and thanks for the recommendation. I personally enjoyed Walter Veith’s series on many of these topics more as he brings it across without sounding like a conspiracy
That is true, these people have been at it for a long time and refuse to give up power.
The Walter Veith link on Secret Societies is below and on YouTube check out Jimmy Dore also.