Satanists Don't Approve
As an Atheistic Satanist, this movie is a joke. Perhaps they need to talk to an actual Satanist before they attempt to portray fallacies that we are struggling yo overturn.
shareAs an Atheistic Satanist, this movie is a joke. Perhaps they need to talk to an actual Satanist before they attempt to portray fallacies that we are struggling yo overturn.
shareThats why it is called a movie, not a fact based documentairy...
Just enjoy the movie ... or the poster ? cuz thats by far the worst movie poster ive ever seen !!
Lol @ "actual satanist". You know that your laveyan "Satanism" is very young compared to much older occult sects who practice actual demonic communion, right?
shareLol @ "actual demonic communion"
Plot hole - Aspect of a film that is misunderstood or missed while using your smart phone.
bunch of generalizing, inaccurate horse sh't unless you're basing it only on your little podunk town you've never ventured out of. christians tend to be passively judgmental but they're rarely the unhinged stereotype you see in some horror movies.
Plot hole - Aspect of a film that is misunderstood or missed while using your smart phone.
Please, let's not confuse Wiccans and Satanists with people who actually know what they're talking about. Levay satanism is just hedonism with bad costumes and candles and Wiccan is just as bad about the candles and has no actual dogma as it never really existed and if it did all traces of it weren't stamped out by the catholic church over the last 1500 years. There is no written record left by the druids and most of the religions they claim to take their inspiration from were also likewise stamped out of history. Satanists might be even more confused. Accepting Satan means you also tacitly accept the Judeo/Christian God and you're picking the side of the loser who already got his ass kicked out of heaven. You're literally taking a minion as your leader.
If you feel the need to have some kind of animist belief system and nature worship based on centuries of tradition to help you explain the comsos then I suggest to all Wiccans they convert to Shintoism.
For all the Satanists out there who want some kind of bad ass destroyer guy with a bunch of evil looking underlings I suggest you convert to Hinduism
To both groups I say this, don't worry about being confused. You'll fit right in. Most Japanese and Indians don't get their religions all that well either.
Personally, I'll just stay agnostic as I don't have enough conceit to pretend to understand why things are the way they are and I also understand I never will. It's better to just go with it. I'd have suggested Taoism but it seems like it also gets ruined by it's own motley bunch of misfit supernatural beings.
As someone who doesn't have the mental mindset of an edgy 12 year old, who the hell cares?
Boohoo, they didn't do some stupid made up thing right.
Trying to belittle and ridicule people who do not share one's own worldview is something I for one would consider pretty immature. It's also a mindset that has resulted in much conflict in history. Besides, you seem to have missed the part where the OP writes "Atheistic Satanist". That is, the OP does not believe in Satan as an actual entity.
shareHe is not belittling a person based on their beliefs, he is belittling them about the stupidity of claiming "Oh, you didn't do any research on subject X" idiotic mentality.
You do realize that pretty much anything you see in movies is complete and utter un-researched garbage, right?
From the legal system, practice of doctors, law enforcement and detectives etc
Heck... I could write here for hours how much BS is done in movies about anything relating to programmers and hacking specifically.
So? Do you see masses of people of every profession on earth posting messages of "do better research you're insulting our intelligence"?
No. You wouldn't. 'immaturity' is the accusation of one who feels the deficiency himself but wishes to sound reasonable and adult when he is very likely neither. People favour it who've yet to learn that some ways of life, some cultures, are simply better than others, leaving young people and the truly immature - 45 being the new 13 - wedded to sloppily defined notions of 'tolerance' that appeal to vanity and self-importance rather than logic. Presumably you've no objection to lines like 'Hit him anyway Chloe. They love it...' in our exciting world of judgement-free equality and fairness? Thought not.
You must bear in mind that no film is a waste of time to the authorities if it reinforces the principal conceit of weak, sex-obsessed males under the control of haughty, demanding females. Take a look at that opening half hour again if you doubt my word. 'Women' like this - and please don't tell me they're 'just young' - are in fact little more than spoilt children. Incapable of an English sentence that doesn't contain a string of expletives they acknowledge no loyalty save to their own ever-shifting emotional needs, while being too frightened, too selfish or too dim to understand how it destroys the very diversity it's advertised to protect they look upon deracination with the scarce-contained glee of one concerned only to expand almost to infinity the type and range of cork available for plugging their bottles.
What does it matter if Satanic 'insults' Satanists? Offending people is not yet an arrestable offence - give them time; we'll get there - or they'd have closed Hollywood years ago. I'm English. We get it in the neck every week from some quarter or another so I know whereof I speak. Anyway Satanism isn't the target here.
You have to remember that film is neither harmless nor mere entertainment. Film is brainwashing. It's purpose - the subject matter is irrelevant - is to convince you that someone else's ideas of how to think, feel and behave are all of your own devising. Production line fodder like Satanic sets out to insult women - insult people - by reducing human complexity to caricature in pursuit of political conditioning. Our problem is that it works. Youngsters crave certainty, and why youthful insecurity fashions the most implacable revolutionary spirit [China's Red Guards?] is also why pedlars of cinematic effluent like this target them relentlessly. They'll not be diverted by from their task by remarks like yours. Pity.
I am not a Laveyan Satanist. I am an independent atheistic Satanist and I am well aware Satanism was around before Anton Lavey.
sharePretty much all these witch/satanist movies are jokes. But what, are they going to make a movie that will scare the Christians about atheists debating Christians online? No.
It's easy to scare christians. I call this christian horror because it's totally aimed at christians, because no one else will be scared of satan or demonic possession or witches.
Of course it preferred to have these films show a non-believer get punished. That is their bread and butter.
It's meant for those "rebel" young christians who have teen sex and drink and smoke but feel bad about it and lie about it to everyone (except their heathen friend who they will eventually be cut out of their lives because they know too much).
They go to these films and have nightmares and see shadows which proves to them that satan is real. Then they go to church and tell their friends how scary it was, and imagine if that happened. Oh yes, sorry, it DOES happen. Got to be weary or satan will get you. oogah boogah.
You have a vivid imagination.
shareWell this is total garbage. "Nobody but Christians"? You do realize Jews, Muslims, Hindus and many animist religions believe in and fear demons right?
shareAtheistic Satanist? so you don't believe in Satan or what?
shareThe word Satan literally doesn't mean Devil, it means adversary or opposer or obstructor. In the judao-christian faith that could be anyone who simply asks a question, like why do "bad" things happen to "good" people?
share:)) Exactly!
shareSo, the definition of an atheist is one who does not believe in a deity. Isn't the phrase "atheistic satanist", then, a contradiction? Because isn't satan your deity?
sharenot a satanism myself but the way i understand it atheistic satanism doenst follow any diety at all. the (for lack of better words) religion is based around pleasure and self fullfilment.
with pleasure i mean try to achive what makes you feel good. sex,sleep,dancing could be anything that makes you feel good more or less.
self fulfillment more or less be honest with yourself. you want to drink that beer during work hours? drink it, does that tradition feels stupid? ignore it. you dont like the person who is having the party? dont go. etc
as i said not a atheistic satanist myself. just repeating the way i had it explained to me.
Huh. So, if murdering someone for something that they have but you want feels good, then do it? Sounds more like a mental disorder than a lifestyle. Just saying.
Right, so just a hedonistic athiest. Adding "Satan" to it doesn't make it some new religion.