Worst JFK ever!

Currently watching season 2 and loving every minute of it. However, the episode about the Kennedy couple is poor. Michael C Hall does not look like neither does he sound like JFK at all. I have seen so many actors play JFK from Martin Sheen, Rob Lowe, Greg Kinnear and Stephen Collins. This portrayal is one of the least convincing.


Couldn't agree more. Awful episode all around.


Hall is a very good actor, but whoever cast him in this role apparently knew very little about JFK. It's not just that he doesn't look or sound like him. It was as if he was trying to make a joke out of it.


Mediocre JFK... Very poor casting... AND he sucked... Poor accent... No wonder they never hold the frame on him for more than a few seconds at a time...


Agree! Worse JFK I've ever seen....worse even than The Butler. Aside from looks they made JFK and Jackie look like total buffoons by not calling the Queen and Duke by their appropriate titles. I'm sure they were coached on the correct way to address royalty if they didn't know already! Also, that scene where JFK was physically attacking Jackie -- outrageous!


My least favorite episode of all. From the whole royal court pratically falling off the balcony to get a glimpse of Jackie (wasn’t she joining them at the party anyway?) to that awful wig the actress wore, to JFK’s ridiculous accent and lack of charm (the real guy was supposed to be a charmer). Agree with all else said ... the fight flashback, the IV drugs, the apology over tea and scones. Where did they come up with this stuff?


Actually, the reaction to the arrival of Kennedy's to Buckingham Palace was true and the Queen was baffled by the pandemonium. There was a sort of understated dislike between the two.


The weakest episode in an otherwise near flawless show.


Just watched the episodes. I really like Michael C. Hall (Six Feet Under, Dexter) but he seemed miscast here.


I like the episode, but OMG!!!, I totally agree about Michael C. Hall. He was simply HORRIBLE!!!! Egregiously bad acting and a horrible portrayal: he just made JFK seem like such a creep. I'm not idolizing the man, but he had a great deal of charm and charisma, that in part was how he was catapulted to the presidency. Hall doesn't look, act or sound like JFK. I definitely got the feeling that Dexter made his way into the White House. They could have found someone better than this.
