MovieChat Forums > The Meg (2018) Discussion > Things I learned watching The Meg

Things I learned watching The Meg

1. You can out-swim a 25+ shark in the sea without even wearing swimming fins.
2. The best way for a person to tag or shoot/and poison a Megalodon is by jumping in the water with it.
3. At no time call and warn the Navy. It's not like they might have better weaponry and skills in dealing with threats underwater at sea.
4. At all times, the best way to fight the biggest shark to ever exist is for Jason Statham to constantly get into the water with it.


You have to turn off your brain for this one. It's enjoyable as long as you don't ask it to follow reality too closely.

(For instance, how in the world could a meg survive in the freezing temperatures under that layer they break through--whales migrating to colder waters is what killed off the megs in the first place; and why oh why would scientists send human beings through that layer before sending robots and all sorts of other stuff through first?)


Didn't they say the water was warm under that layer?


I must have missed that.


Yeah, there was a freezing layer that kept everything underneath from coming up, but once underneath it was normal deep water temp.

They said something about when the machine came back through, it heated the water just enough to let the Meg follow.


Well, I guess the next question is, is that scientifically possible? Since it's deeper into the Earth, I supposed things could be warmer.


There were a lot of those thermal vents going under there. Would've maybe warmed things up.


Well, great. Maybe that means a real meg could still be wondering around. Humanity deserves one of those monsters to come back and raise hell.


Nah they would have starved to death. They need creatures the size of whales to keep themselves alive. Giant and Colossal squids would do it a bit but not enough to sustain a population to modern day.

So they would have to have gotten way smaller in size and adapted really quickly to different pressure depths and temperatures of the deep ocean.

Even with the vents they still have to have swam through that layer first. Which begs the question why would they swim so much deeper than normal and through something very cold. Rather than just follow the whales since they are willing to risk the cold at some point.

Fun movie but definitely one you don’t want to think about to much.


I think it is more far-fetched that the shark would survive the change in pressure from 10000 m to sea level than that it would survive the change in temperature.


How about the lack of oxygen during the trip up. The deep water between the surface and the bottom has a zone with very low oxygen levels.


5) It's best to put 2 fats guys in your research sub because they'll move much more quickly in an emergency.
6) I never, ever want to go to a beach in China.
7) The space-time continuum has been screwed royally, not allowing Gracie the whale to grow up and meet the Star Trek crew.
8) If you're not close to the end of the movie, and you kill the giant shark, don't be laughing and swimming in the water, thinking you're safe.
9) Every time there's a helicopter in a giant sea creature movie, don't expect the standard scene of the giant sea creature leaping out of the water to snare the copter in mid-air.


lolz at 9, I kept waiting for this to happen.


Same here!


5) It's best to put 2 fats guys in your research sub because they'll move much more quickly in an emergency.

Lol, so true!

Not that the donger was all that fat, but the other guy would never be allowed in a submersible that size. They easily could’ve found a skinnier guy with the same skill set to take his spot in real life.


10. Even though your father just died, its still ok to have the hots for Jason and flirt with him.
11. Apparently everyone at a Chinese beach owns a brightly colored floatie.
12. Its fun to swim (or not) with a thousand other people at a beach.
13. The hero of the movie can stay ripped and in great shape for 5 years while drinking beer everyday.


14. The liver is located on the left side for pretty Australian actresses that get stabbed
15. US Army Soldiers in circa 2010 BDU uniforms man Nuclear Submarines
16. A fully windowed submarine can withstand the incredible pressures found below the Marianas Trench of 15000 psi or >1000 times the atmospheric pressure of sea level but a squid will crack that vessel like a styrofoam cup


That little flimsy thing going to the bottom of the Mariana Trench was hard to swallow.


It's a new polymer with [INSERT PROPERTY] , so it'll withstand easily.


A scientist concludes that a single person can swim up to the meg unharmed because “one person isn’t a threat” despite it eating 4 or 5 people alone in the water


17. If a giant shark gets bitten by werewolf, you're not safe in the sea or on land!

Ok, maybe that didn't happen, but if they want to use that idea for the sequel, I will allow it.


18. No matter how much a giant sea monster eats, it will always be hungry..even if it just ate another giant sea monster very nearly its own size


Lol that’s right, I remember that. Man I just packed my brain away when I watched this movie. I have to admit I liked it even with all the stupid stuff happening.

I’m sure I’m not imagining that most of the people in this movie wanted to be eaten by the Meg


If you think of the amount of shit it has to endure then so can we.


19. There's no end credits scene.


20. There’s absolutely no wind or breeze when standing on a boat hunting a Meg.
