MovieChat Forums > Goliath (2016) Discussion > Only complaint. Thirlby miscast

Only complaint. Thirlby miscast

Why use one of the most fun and beautiful actresses with a naturally bubbly personality into an unattractive, humorless role? It completely doesn't fit her. Also she doesn't come across as a hard ass young lawyer. The only second she was attractive was that brief moment she fake smiled. Such a beautiful smile. I just don't buy her as a lawyer. Yes if she graduated from some lower uoastairs night school and got where she was solely banging the boss then maybe. But why waste her in the role cast?


"Take off your glasses, Miss Thirby. Why, why, you're BEAUTIFUL !!"


Nice Doug Heffernan quote LOL


I thought it was from "She Blinded Me with Science."

"Take off your glasses... why Miss Nakamoto, you're BEAUTIFUL!"


I didn't think William Hurt's character worked at all in this series. Not in any respect.

And I certainly didn't believe one minute of his relationship with Thirlby.

Who's fault? The writing? The actors? The director? You decide.


this show had some seriously attractive women in it, thinnest cast I've ever seen also, haha

"how's a fella go about gettin' a holt of the police?" -Karl


People in LA are thin. This show isn't set in Birmingham Alabama.


I've lived in L.A. It has it's share of fatties.


Surprisingly, I LOVED HER in this role.

Everybody needs love. Have you held your hostage today?


I thought she looked great. Not ugly at all. I much prefer the plain look over the full makeup look any day. She did well acting the part in my opinion.


I don't really know her from anything else, but I thought her acting was fine here. A testament to her range I guess.
